Trevor Tombe Profile picture
Professor @EconCalgary | Fiscal/Econ Policy Director @policy_school | Alum @econuoft @SFUBeedie | Contributor @TheHubCanada | 💻 📊 📝 🍻

Apr 13, 2021, 14 tweets

Today's COVID vaccination update:

- Total shots given: 8,601,331
- Shots per 100 people: 22.6
- Shots reported today: 270,433
- Inventory: 10.6 days (at avg pace)


Canada is now up to 8.6 million shots given -- which is 75.4% of the total 11.4M doses available. Over the past 7 days, 1,321,992 doses have been delivered to provinces.

And so far 829k are fully vaccinated with two shots.

Canada's pace of vaccination:

Today's 270,433 shots given compares to an average of 263,245/day over the past week and 183,962/day the week prior.

- Pace req'd for 2 doses to 75% of Canadians by Sept 30: 284,769
- At current avg pace, we reach 75% by Oct 2021

But based on just the share of people with 1 or more doses (a weaker threshold), at Canada's current pace we reach 25% by April, 50% by May, and 75% by July 2021.

For context, at Canada's latest 7-day average daily pace, the share of people with 1 or more doses increases by 0.66% per day. The U.S. average increase is 0.60% per day. For Canada to reach the current U.S. share would take 25 days.

Turning to individual provinces, here's doses administered over time and the latest share of deliveries used. SK leading with 89.4% of delivered doses administered while NS has administered 59.5%.

Note: Shares >100% are due to squeezing 'extra' doses from vaccine vials.

Vaccination pace varies widely. Here's time to reach 75% of adults w/ 1+ doses based on the latest 7-day average daily pace.

- SK fastest at 43 days.
- NS slowest at 86 days.

On pace for June goal: SK, QC, NL, MB, ON, BC, NB, AB, PE
Not on pace: NS

And here's where things stand today:

- Highest overall: YT at 59% receiving at least one shot
- Most 1st doses only: QC at 23% receiving that shot
- Most Fully Vaccinated: YT at 42%
- Fewest Vaccinated: NS at 13%

How does Canada compare to others? Currently, Canada ranks 6th out of 37 OECD countries in terms of the share of the population that is at least partially vaccinated. In terms of total doses per 100, Canada is 12th.


There are also many ways to compare. So, here's a selection across several metrics/groups of how Canada ranks. Quite well overall!

Finally, the above graphs are easy and automated. Gathering the data is hard, and is thanks to Noah Little and other volunteers at @covid_canada (

If you like these updates, consider supporting their work at…

*Correction* h/t @jmt_18325 for noting Montserrat, Guernsey, etc., are not actually countries. Taking them out changes Canada's 'world' ranking considerably. I'll use this going forward. Note: this does still include super-tiny "countries" (I'm looking at you San Marino).

Also, going one-by-one was interesting. I definitely made a couple judgement calls about what's a country and what's not. Kosovo, yeah. Taiwan, yeah (sorry GOC!). Etc. So these rankings may still differ slightly from others.

And why did the rankings change even in the 10m+ group? ... England, not a country. Etc.

:) sorry for any confusion!!! And thanks to @jmt_18325 for quickly flagging this!

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