Neeson Profile picture
Irish / American actor, film director , producer and screen writer ,#hollywood #movies.

Apr 14, 2021, 7 tweets


A toxic/abusive person will try to control you, demand loyalty & limit w/whom you interact.

Ex: Such an abuser will order their unfortunate followers to block or shun another.

When an abusive person no longer controls you they will try to control how others see you.

A friend pointed out, the narcissist abuser uses a carrot & a stick tactic to keep her followers obedient, demanding “loyalty.”

If a follower is “disobedient” the abuser instigates a brutal smear campaign, not only to emotionally abuse that disobedient person, ...

The narcissistic abuser will not only hope to emotionally decompensate its victim, but also use that abuse to serve as a terror tactic to keep its other followers silent as they observe the abuse.

The abuser will even encourage others to join abuse of the abuser’s victim.

The greatest tragedy I see is that the toxic abuser will cultivate those among us that are vulnerable, because they are unlikely to fight back & fear rejection & isolation.

The abuser will then exploit that vulnerability to serve its toxic agenda regardless of consequences.

If you have ever been attacked by a toxic abusive chaos agent, know you are not alone.

There are many of us who thrive on positivity, generosity and hope & eschew negativity & ugliness in all its forms.

We enjoy good info, art & conviviality please join us.


Remember, a toxic abuser is a false “friend,” & will turn on its followers in a heartbeat if it perceives you are “disloyal” or if you refuse to do their dirty work.

If you have been the target of of a toxic abuser & crew raise your hand and sound off.

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