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Apr 14, 2021, 10 tweets

A crowd is gathered again outside the Brooklyn Center police dept building. Dispersal orders have been given. Flash bangs deployed.
Arrests are beginning.

National Guard on site.

A source on site tells us one of the apartment residents is fighting with several protesters. He wants them to leave.

From @MinnesotaOSN

**Dispersal orders are being issued before curfew begins because members of the crowd are trying to take down fencing, spraying mace at officers, shooting fireworks at officers, and throwing bottles and bricks.**

Relief and/or reinforcements coming in.

Still a stand-off. Every time law enforcement gives a dispersal order, numerous horns can be heard honking to drown out the order. 23:33

Bonfire being started.

Law enforcement rushed the group starting the fire.

Aaaaand the result.


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