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🤝 Grassroots activist legal support group 📍 England & Cymru 👉 24/7 helpline 07946 541 511 ❌ DMs monitored sporadically - call us instead!

Apr 14, 2021, 11 tweets

Heading to a #KillTheBill protest in *England and Wales*? Have a read of our top legal tips. We need you to learn your rights and share this info with your fellow protestors. RTs appreciated!
If protesting in Scotland, check out @activists_legal

1. NO COMMENT! You’re usually not required to answer police questions, so don’t. Say ‘no comment’. This includes ‘friendly chats’, on the streets, in a police van & during interview. Police Liaison Officers (in blue bibs) are trained intelligence gatherers - remember ‘NO COMMENT’

2. NO PERSONAL DETAILS! You DON’T legally have to give personal details when you’re being stopped & searched & you usually don’t need to give personal details to police anyway

- If you’re arrested many people choose to give their name, address, & date of birth (no more than this) when they get to the custody desk (not before) as not giving this can delay release

-If police want to give you a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) and you don’t give your details, they’re likely to arrest you whether the FPN is under the coronavirus legislation or not

3. UNDER WHAT POWER? Police often rely on protesters not knowing the law. If police tell you to do something, challenge them to act lawfully by asking ‘AM I LEGALLY OBLIGED TO DO SO?’ & if they say that you are, ask ‘UNDER WHAT POWER?’ and make a note of what they say

4. NO DUTY SOLICITOR! If you’re arrested, never take the solicitor offered by the police- they may not know anything about protest & may give you bad advice. Instead ask for:
@HJACrimeTeam - 0808 274 8226 or
@ITNSolicitors - 0203 909 8100 or
@BindmansLLP - 0207 305 5638

5. NO CAUTION! A caution is an admission of guilt for an offence, without the police having to show evidence or. Doesn’t sound like much, but it stays on your record & can impact employment. Don't accept one, unless a good solicitor has specifically advised you to & explained why

Legal Observers will be out - look out for them in orange hi-viz bibs, pick up bustcards (pictured below), tell them what you've witnessed and ask questions.

You can also print off bustcards at:

Got legal questions, witness an arrest or get arrested yourself? Call the Protest Support Line on 07946 541 511 or @BristolDefenda1 (BDS) on 07510 283424 (Bristol only).
Write these numbers on the top of your arm under a sleeve, along with name + number of a good lawyer.

If arrested, ask to call the Protest Support Line on 07946 541 511 or BDS (Bristol only) on 07510 283424 from the police station (as the person to be informed of your arrest)- we can give you advice, tell your friends & make sure there are people to meet you when you get released

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