Art-Eater ➡️⬇️↘️🐲👊 Profile picture
Your new fav Twitter account ✌️ Animator & #IndieGameDev I post long informative threads on Art & Animation @ZechaTactics @_LostandFoundCo

Apr 14, 2021, 11 tweets

This was one of the last animations that I created personally. Nowadays I manage a large team of artists. We're one of the biggest and best Spine studios in the world! Shoot me a DM if you need some high quality 2D animation in your games!
#PortfolioDay #MadeWithSpine

My team actually animated over 300 characters for Indivisible! We did almost all the NPCs as well as some playable characters and bosses. The folks at LabZero were GREAT to work with. I wish them the best as they move on at Future Club.
#PortfolioDay #MadeWithSpine

We also do full traditional hand drawn animation! This is an enemy character from our own original game, Neko Samurai 😼🔪

Get the game here (it's free!):…

Animation by @RewindzeVII


We are also quite good at Live2D! This is an original character created by @RewindzeVII (who is the lead character designer on our original game currently in development @ZechaTactics) and illustrated by our other lead illustrator @beriuos

We also do a ton of 3D work. Character concepts, turnarounds, modeling, retopology, skinning, texturing, materials, shaders, rigging, animation, compositing. You name it, we do it! If you have any 2D or 3D animation needs feel free to DM me ✌️✨

Oooo here's another cool thing we made a while back. This was for a contest for short films made in Unity. Character design by our excellent lead illustrator @beriuos (give her a follow!)

#PortfolioDay #MadeWithUnity

Some cyber-nagas, also designed by @beriuos! Do you need some art with an authentic South East Asian flair? Shoot her a line!
#PortfolioDay #MadeWithUnity #ArtistsofSEA

Oh man, I just found this while digging through old files. This is a character that I personally animated years ago, for an internal game project that was eventually cancelled. Hey if you need Vanillaware style animations, shoot me a line!
#PortfolioDay #madewithspine

Oh man, another blast from the past! This is the test I did that ended up getting us work from Lab Zero. Personally animated it myself! This was the last time I animated totally traditionally. It's so fun! I hope to get back to it someday!

I don't just talk the talk, I walk the walk! ✌️✨
(those classic Capcom games will forever be an inspiration to me!)…

OH MAN! Here's another oldie but a goodie! This is one of the few times where I actually did the ink & paint by myself. Ended up inking it in Illustrator haha. This one was really time consuming! (rotating things in 2D without going off model is HARD!)

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