Brother Streetjoy Profile picture
Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Apr 14, 2021, 25 tweets

1/As follow-up to the Biblical dates

I wondered about the other YT posters

There’s the odd last drop - the “We’re Not Gonna Take It” video

(Which has since been taken down)

By “Mad__ American”

Published 11.4.20🧐

& that’s 2 underscores and a Space between words: “__ “


2/ There are 174 YouTube hits so I don’t know if I’ll finish this 😂

Last of the Mohicans

immortalsongs 4.14.12

3/ Space shuttle launch, 3:52 long

By indiegun 4.27.11

4/ Dammit, removed for harassment and bullying 🧐

5/ Krstonosec Law Abiding Citizen


6/ TimeCop1983 - Night Drive


Fun disclaimer lol

7/ “Can Music be healing?” And “2 Steps from Hell”

Odd combo


8/ Time with a video of POTUS condemning white sup.


I notice this is the first one so far with a date outside April, May, or June, & it’s just straight news

9/ Ahh the famous one

This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected

“Enriching Diversity” 10.24.16

10/ The Mohican one again, but I’m not going to rehash every one

The next is Reagan’s We Must Fight

TyDale 11.17.13

11/ More MSM

“Color Revolution”

Columbia Bugle 9.16.20

12/ More MSM

C0VlD whistle bIower

Fox News 9.15.20

13/ Next one was 17 sharing a post that shared a video by Rep Nunes

RepDevinNunes 9.14.20

14/ Finally, back to movies: The Patriot

JJSledge 3.12.14

14/ THIS is interesting

It links to the middle of the video specifically at 11:13

# ClackCo TV


15/ Hu$$e!n’s desire for a Civilian Security Force

squawkboxnoise 7.17.08

16/ Forced into the light

Max Richter On The Nature of Daylight

Fatcat Records 5.1.12

17/ The Sum Of All Fears movie clip

Movieclips 11.22.11 🧐

Adding some of the drop because context is crucial here

18/ Fascinating

Westchester Digital Summit 6.20.14

19/ Another dead link

20/ Last of the Mohicans again

Then another Dead Link

21/ Another Dead one - YT removed this account

Interesting numbers - 41:45

I may come back to that

22/ The “n 0 0 5 e”

Rowdy Maglite - 11.27.19

23/ 4500 & Another terminates account

24/ So many terminated accounts


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