Saifedean Ammous Profile picture
Author of The Bitcoin Standard, out in 39 languages, The Fiat Standard & Principles of Economics! Teaching Economics courses on!

Apr 14, 2021, 16 tweets

Nassim Nicholas Tantrum has gone from endorsing my book to obsessively insulting me in public without once making any reference to my work.


Because I refused to join him on his insane cowardly hysterical crusade to shut down the planet with his friends at the WEF.

I was typing him a private message politely explaining to him why his "Precautionary Principle" is such a dumb idea.

He responded by blocking me, insulting me in public & then flat-out lying about why he did it the very next day.

It was the biggest mistake of my career to associate with this lying fraud. We were distant friends when he volunteered to send my book to a publisher & write the foreword. He submit his foreword without reading the book, at the very last minute, when it was too late to change it

His embarrassingly idiotic & irrelevant foreword contradicts the main premise of the book. He still has no idea what bitcoin is or what the book says & he saw writing the foreword as a free option allowing him to take credit for being into bitcoin without having to learn bitcoin

He still knows absolutely nothing about bitcoin (or economics) and his views on bitcoin are purely an ignorant hysterical emotional reflection of his relationship with me.

His recent tantrums confirm this.

He likes to shit on bitcoiners for not understanding trading, and yet still cannot show us how his expertise in trading has allowed him to outperform what bitcoiners do: 200%/year over the last decade.

It'd be funny if there weren't so many people becoming poor listening to him.

Many Lebanese in hyperinflation are ignoring bitcoin because they think this 'world expert on risk' has a point about bitcoin more profound than him just being an inflamed mess

Their currency is collapsing & their risk expert is telling them the only working life raft has no use

The lira is down ~80% vs the dollar in 2 years. The dollar is down ~90% vs bitcoin in that time. Bitcoin allows you to send money internationally without needing your bankrupt banks.

I suggest you ignore his tantrums until he can offer you a better working solution.

This isn't new.

Mr "Don't tell me what you think, show me your portfolio" has made his career picking on people who show their portfolio, like @CliffordAsness, while always hiding his.

The only public record of his trading strategy working, is that it sells books. He pretends to be an entrepreneur & risk taker, but he's just another washed up trader recycling ideas he doesn't understand to sell to people who want to feel smart.…

It's the same hypocrisy that allows him & his WEF friends to demand the entire planet shut down to protect him from a virus, when he cannot even stop eating the industrial sludge that's made him so vulnerable.

Totalitarians are losers who want to control others because they can't control themselves

Instead of cutting down on pasta, he wants to force healthy people to breathe from dirty cloth & lockdown, destroying billions of livelihoods while he keeps selling books from home

I lost every bit of respect for this liar in 2020. I apologize profusely to my readers for associating with him.

I'll never forgive myself for turning a blind eye to his many flaws & letting him write the foreword to a book he didn't read so he could pretend he knows bitcoin.

The new version of The Bitcoin Standard will be out in a few months and will have a new foreword from the great @michael_saylor, a man of his word, with actual skin in the game.


Instead of responding to this thread, the hysteric chose to prove it all correct by declaring bitcoin a failure & pivoting to shitcoins!

At least with his new shitcoin ventures we'll get to compare his portfolio to BTC!

#HFSP to the Taleban cult of fragile hysterics!

Taleb spent a decade terrorizing people on Twitter to sell books.

Then he attacked bitcoin & bitcoiners asked him to show how his portfolio returns beat holding bitcoin, so he locked his profile like a coward & Twitter is now free of his dumb tantrums.


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