Richie🎥McG🍿 Profile picture
Currently writing a tale about the riot trail / Fmr Vid Director @dailycaller / vid ed @levintv / desk monkey @nbc / ME history, Arabic, philosophy @georgetown

Apr 15, 2021, 8 tweets

Another big turnout here in front of the police station in Brooklyn Center north of Minneapolis

Protesters have upped their shield game big time.

Police already shooting riot munitions at these wooden barricades, stay tuned to see how this plays out...

Here comes the pepper spray

Plenty of media too 👀

Unlawful assembly officially declared

Getting spicy inside the umbrella shield zone.

Someone squirted bear mace at police

Cops responded with pepper balls

No tear gas was used tonight but there was plenty of pepper spray

After a long standoff, hundreds of police came outside the fence to disperse the crowd.

It took less than two minutes to clear the umbrella gang along with their barricades

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