Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Apr 15, 2021, 7 tweets

VIDEO THREAD: Protesters were confronted for a fourth night by police in Brooklyn Center, Minnesota following the police shooting of Daunte Wright.

Officers were separated by fence from the protesters, and fired rubber bullets, string balls, and pepper spray through it.

The evening began with protesters crowded around Brooklyn Center Police Department.

The situation declined as the evening approached a 10 pm curfew imposed in the city.

The footage in this thread is shot by @chrisjuhnphoto for @N2Sreports.

Protesters assembled in an umbrella shield formation to block less lethal munitions.

Police largely focused their fire on that formation, which appeared to be about 25 feet back from the fence officers were behind.

As another improvised form of cover, protesters also made a wall of trash cans to protect their flank perpendicular to the fence separating them from the police.

A medic tells News2Share that "We've seen a lot more pepper and marker rounds" than the night before.

"Tonight we've had a lot of bruising," she said.

"I can't sit at home and do nothing."

Police ultimately formed an extremely wide and dense riot line and pushed into the protesters from the side, which caused their dispersal from the Brooklyn Center Police Department.

Here is the full @N2Sreports video summary of Wednesday night's protest for #DaunteWright versus police in #BrooklynCenterMN, filmed by @chrisjuhnphoto.

As always, contact me, all footage is available to license.

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