Kirsty Blackman Profile picture
SNP MP for Aberdeen North. SNP Cabinet Office Spokesperson. she/her 🏳️‍⚧️ Promoted by Kirsty Blackman, 46 John St, AB25 1LL.

Apr 15, 2021, 16 tweets

Just looking through the actual text of @theSNP manifesto now. There are so many highlights.

Focus on improving mental health services - 25% increase in direct Scot Gov investment.

Funding to support families visiting children who receive in patient care. I’ve met many parents who’ve struggled with this when their bairns have been in hospital in Glasgow or elsewhere.

This is massively important. Funding certainty is the biggest worry I hear from third sector orgs, and a five year funding cycle for those at the frontline of saving lives affected by substance misuse is such a positive move.

Brilliant positive health steps for women and girls. Being shoved into a maternity ward with women with babies, when you’re experiencing unexpected complications is so awful and I’m pleased to see this being recognised and a move made to mitigate this.

Also yay for buffer zones around abortion services - local authorities will be supported to put in place bye-laws should then wish to.

Transitions from children’s to adults’ services is a really scary, difficult and often poorly managed time for disabled young people. This pledge recognises the issue and promised national action. This is so badly needed. I’ve engaged with ACC over this a lot.

We will end conversion therapy if Westminster doesn’t, and we will reform the GRA.

Improvements to legal service on anonymity, safe streets project, and domestic violence support for men and boys, in addition to strengthening of systems for services that support women and girls. (Three year funding commitments, YAS!)

Young people must not be a generation suffering from the legacy of the pandemic. We will put this at the forefront of our actions, including the young person’s guarantee.

We are supporting areas heavily reliant on oil and gas, companies, and individuals to diversify, retrain and move on. We will not leave Aberdeen a ghost town.

.@thesnp will remove charges for core curriculum, make school uniforms cheaper, and ensure nobody is barred from school trips because their parents cannot afford to pay.

Oh my goodness, an online programme on Scotland and the UK’s colonial history, AND anti-racist education. #BlackLivesMatter

And, of course, @thesnp will give the people of Scotland the right to choose our own future in an independence referendum. #BothVotesSNP

Can't believe I missed this one! Free bikes! Game changer. My kids love their bikes and it's grim that so many miss out on the childhood experience of learning to ride a bike. It really is something you never forget and sets you up with access to low carbon transport for life.

You can see an update to my thoughts on this here:

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