Wendy Siegelman Profile picture
Independent journalist bylines Daily Beast, Guardian, Buzzfeed, Byline Times, Senate Intel Russia report, creator https://t.co/W1iyRMNzOJ, tips: wendy@newstracs.com

Apr 15, 2021, 8 tweets

Treasury Sanctions Russia - including implementation of new prohibitions on certain dealings in Russian sovereign debt & sanctions on tech companies that support Russian Intelligence Services’ efforts to carry out malicious cyber activities against US

Treasury Escalates Sanctions Against Russian Government’s Attempts to Influence US Elections

16 entities and 16 individuals are listed, including more people/entities linked to Yevgeniy Prigozhin and Konstantin Kilimnik (Manafort's business partner)


Treasury Sanctions Russian Persons in the Crimea Region of Ukraine - five individuals and three entities related to Russia’s occupation of the Crimea region of Ukraine and its severe human rights abuses against the local population.


Sanctions against Russian govt attempts to influence US elections include Alexander Malkevich (designated in 2018 for directing USAReally) and Foundation for National Values Protection(FZNC) & targets related to Yevgeniy Prigozhin's network in Africa

Treasury targets enablers of Prigozhin's Internet Research Agency - Pakistan-based Second Eye Solution and front-companies Fresh Air Farm House, Like Wise, MK Softtech & Mohsin Raza, Mujtaba Raza, Syed Hasnain, Muhammad Hayat, Syed Raza, Shahzad Ahmed

The US is also expelling ten personnel from the Russian diplomatic mission in Washington, DC. The personnel include representatives of Russian intelligence services.

Agree - sanctions seem sweeping in some ways with more definitive details and people/entities identified - but still seems to be focused on network close to the Kremlin vs more expanded oligarch network that used cutouts to interact with Trump circle & GOP


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