Dr Duncan Robertson Profile picture
Policy & Strategy Analytics academic at Loughborough University; Fellow, St Catherine's College, Oxford. Member, @IndependentSage.

Apr 15, 2021, 8 tweets

My latest variants charts using data from @PHE_uk

*There is a new VUI B.1.617 (first detected in India) with 77 cases*

~ 8% increase in Kent (B.1.1.7)
~ 10% increase in B.1.351 (SA)
~ 11% in P.1 (Brazil)

Note *cumulative* charts, cases dependent on testing strategy

A thread

Here's the same data including B.1.1.7 and plotting on a log scale

77 appears to be a relatively high number of first detected cases for the B.1.617 Variant under Investigation first detected in India.

See this article for some commentary. I await PHE's expert analysis of the particular risks of B.1.617


Here is my heatmap of Variants of Concern and Variants under Investigation detected in England (B.1.1.7 not highlighted). Note detection is dependent on testing.

Note the new VUI B.1.617 (first detected in India, bottom right) with the highest number of detected cases this week.

* detected cases reported this week. Some may have been detected previously and only reported this week due to B.1.617 being newly designated as a Variant under Investigation.

Here is a link to my updated charts which highlight B.1.617 more clearly

I have updated my charts for Variants of Concern and under Investigation.

The cases detected are for the United Kingdom not just England.

I have added the B.1.617 (first detected in India) variant in light blue so that it is highlighted.

Firstly, the *cumulative* chart

Secondly, the *cumulative* chart on a log scale. Some may find this more useful (note that we can't display 0 on a log chart, which is why the cases enter abruptly when they first appear).

But B.1.617 (first detected in India) is entering more abruptly than others.

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