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Information that helps planners promote resilience and protect biodiversity in the face of a changing climate.

Apr 15, 2021, 9 tweets

Just out @ @GlobalChangeBio We map areas in US/Canada where new protected areas can help defend biodiversity from climate change & slow increase in greenhouse gases by sequestering carbon in forests, grasslands & peatlands 1/8 pdf@……

New global and national commitments to protect 30% of lands and waters & halt loss of intact ecosystems & species can be coordinated w/ #LeadersClimateSummit #cop26 commitments 2 reduce emissions from land clearing #protect30x30 @UNBiodiversity @ipbes #CanadaTarget1 @IPCC_CH 2/8

We identified #climaterefugia and corridors, using a variety of recently-developed indicators that measure different aspects of climate resilience at 3 scales of biodiversity: ecosystems, species, and genotypes All data available @ 3/8

We show that federal and state agencies can play distinct & complimentary roles 2 meet commitments to #protect30x30 & protect intact ecosystems as carbon sinks & storehouses As @SecDebHaaland has stated, govt must also support conservation efforts led by tribes/First Nations 4/8

Existing federal conservation initiatives such as @forestservice #RoadlessAreas & National Monuments protect key climate refuges and carbon stores and should be expanded to fulfill #protect30x30 & #cop26 goals Private land conservation e.g. easements & @USDA CRP is also key 5/8

The NW Forest Plan which protects spotted owl & old-growth species in NW US also provides an important framework for coordinated action to protect #climaterefugia & ecosystem carbon Temperate rainforests of Pacific Coast can form foundation of a Nat'l Strategic Carbon Reserve 6/8

New protected areas established by First Nations in Canada, such as in the Peel Watershed (Yukon), are helping advance reconciliation & further #CanadaTarget1 #protect30x30 & climate goals US should learn from these examples 7/8

Thanks to all scientists & other colleagues who have assisted & inspired us with their work on these questions in both the US & Canada @StralbergDiana @psuedotsug @hilaryacooke @RefugiaResearch @GrumpyUncleSean @rtbelote @Aerin_J @jclementmaine @Y2YInitiative @WCS_Canada 8/8

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