Patrick Chovanec Profile picture
Private sector economic advisor. Author of the newly released book “Cleared for the Option: A Year Learning to Fly”. #avgeek

Apr 15, 2021, 5 tweets

US consumer prices (CPI) rose +0.6% m/m in March, up +2.6% from a year ago (up from +1.7% y/y in February).

Core CPI (excluding food and energy) rose +0.3% m/m in March, up a more modest +1.6% from a year ago (up from +1.3% y/y in February).

US consumer energy prices rose +5.0% m/m in March, up +13.2% from a year ago, when they started to see a steep plunge.

Looking at the absolute index of US consumer energy prices helps clarify trends:

US consumer food prices rose just +0.1% m/m in March, up +3.5% from a year ago, just before they started rising noticeably due to COVID-19.

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