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Author. Prof of Math Bio and Public Engagement Books - "Math(s) of Life and Death" "How to Expect the Unexpected" Get here

Apr 16, 2021, 9 tweets

A short thread on vaccination data in lieu of the @IndependentSage data presentation today.

TL;DR Vaccine roll out still going well despite a slight slowdown. High proportions of older individuals receiving second doses.

With thanks as always to Bob Hawkins for his help.

After a slow-down over the Easter weekend vaccine delivery rebounded, but has slowed over all in comparison to pre-easter delivery rates.
As expected, the majority of doses being delivered now are second doses.

Looking at cumulative jabs given we can see how the the first doses delivery has slowed right down vaccinating just 1% of the adult population in the latest week compared to 4% in previous weeks.
Second dose delivery is still going strong though.

Wales now has the highest first dose coverage of any home nation at 62.5% of the adult population and there is a gap opening up to Northern Ireland at 55.5%.
But all home nations are doing well (England 59.1% Scotland 58.9%).

Wales is also surging ahead with second dose coverage having given a second dose to 21.3% of it's adults. The other home nations are a but further behind at around 15% each.

Just looking at England now.
75% of over 80s and 52% of 75-79 year-olds have received their second dose.
This is great news for the enhanced and continued protection of of our most vulnerable age demographics.

Still a little way to go until we reach first dose levels of vaccination at 95% in over 80s.
At 75%, second doses are much higher than where first doses were 12 weeks ago (59%) indicating that we are keeping pace with first dose roll out.

Looking at coverage by English region, we can see that London still has the lowest coverage rates of any region across all age ranges.
Worth interpreting this in context with this thread by @chrischirp on vaccine equity in England.

Overall a good and improving picture.
Vaccine delivery has slowed down slightly, as we had expected, and switched largely to second doses, but some first doses are still being given and over 45s are now being invited to book their appointments.

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