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Number cruncher @SyncracyCapital | Co-Founder @ATXDAO | prev. @MessariCrypto @BlackRock | Catch me down a rabbit hole

Apr 16, 2021, 9 tweets

Weekly Performance Recap as of April 15th

Data: @MessariCrypto

Centralized and decentralized exchanges were the top-performing sectors during the week fueled by the excitement of the Coinbase IPO.

Top Assets by Market Capitalization

$DOGE and $XRP were the clear outperformers of the group with weekly returns of 114% and 88% respectively.

Sector Drill Down - DeFi

DeFi was the third best performing sector of the week with an aggregate return of 22.4%. Among DeFi assets, THORChain's native token $RUNE led the way, returning 54% on the week.

Sector Drill Down - Currencies

The currency sector was dominated by $DOGE and $XRP. Aside from these two outliers, the rest of the sector had returns ranging from 11% to 33%.

Sector Drill Down - Smart Contract Platforms

The smart contract platform was led by $VET with a total return of 63% over the week. $SOL was the laggard of the group ending the week with a -3% return.

Sector Drill Down - Centralized Exchanges

The centralized exchanges sector was the top-performing sector of the week with a total aggregate return of 29.4%. Despite the strong performance, $EDO underperformed all assets ending the week with a -16% return.

Sector Drill Down - Decentralized Exchanges

Decentralized exchanges also saw a boost from the Coinbase IPO. The leader this week was $RUNE followed by $CAKE, $SUSHI, $LRC, and $UNI.

Sector Drill Down - Web3

After a strong Q1 performance, Web3 was the underperforming sector this week. Web3 assets had the widest dispersion of returns with four out of the top nine assets ending the week with negative returns.

Check out the full report here 👇🏻…

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