Roberto Talamas Profile picture
Number cruncher @SyncracyCapital | Co-Founder @ATXDAO | prev. @MessariCrypto @BlackRock | Catch me down a rabbit hole
Cray Profile picture 1 subscribed
Jul 2, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Q1 2022 was rough for the retail sector

After almost two years of shortages, retailers suddenly find themselves with too much product

Despite the short-term troubles, this situation may prove favorable for risk assets (crypto included) in 2023

Let me explain🧵

1/13 CPI is composed of multiple components weighted according to importance

Energy represents 7.5%

As the Russia-Ukraine war continues, it is **highly** likely that crude oil supply shocks will keep on putting upward pressure on gas prices resulting in more inflation
Feb 16, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Incredible proud of this visual 🥲

Check out the code below 👇 Here is the jupyter notebook with the code to re-create the heatmap…
Feb 4, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Stoked to announce that the @MessariCrypto data science team is expanding!

A short 🧵on the open roles If you are passionate about crypto data and are a
@DuneAnalytics wiz, then the Data Specialist is the role for you

In the role, you'll be working alongside the one and only @yulesa helping query information that can be used to drive research insights…
Dec 13, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Two weeks ago I noticed there was a lack of data-driven research for the state of DAOs

Here is a quick thread summarizing what I found 🧵

DAO landscape growth over the 3 months

Dec 1, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The DAO landscape has seen incredible growth over the past 3 months

For starters, the total AUM controlled by DAOs increased from $7B to $15B

DAO treasuries are STACKED

source: @DeepDAO_io

1/ DAO membership increased a staggering 133% since August

Now there are over 1.6M members across 164 organizations

If you haven't joined a DAO, what are you waiting for?
Aug 27, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
Excited to announce that @MessariCrypto is expanding its Data Science team!

A short🧵on the open roles. If you are passionate about crypto data and are a @DuneAnalytics wiz, then the Crypto Data Specialist is the role for you.

In the role, you'll be helping query information and analyze data that can be used to drive research insights.…
Aug 3, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
July seemed to mark the end of the market's multi-month decline.

Time to check how your bags performed during the month.

👇🏻 Currencies

$BTC 20.7%
$DASH 15.3%
$XMR 10.7%
$XRP 9.1%
$BCH 6.3%
$LTC 2.5%
$XLM 0.9%
$BSV -0.9%
$DOGE -15.6%
Jul 15, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
El segundo trimestre de 2021 fue emocionante para DeFi.

Aunque los precios estan deprimidos, los fundamentos de DeFi continúan mejorando, proporcionando las semillas del próximo tramo de crecimiento de DeFi.

Aqui estan unos aspectos destacados de nuestro informe

Jul 14, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Q1'21 marked the beginning of the long-awaited ecosystem wars.

Q2'21 picked up where the previous quarter left off.

TVL flows over the past three months continued to indicate Ethereum is the supreme platform, but it may not be the only party worth attending.

1/ Image Although the growth of the L1 and L2 sectors could potentially benefit Ethereum, its dominance in the space is beginning to dwindle.

Currently, Ethereum controls roughly 77% of TVL in major platforms, a drop of more than 20% compared to levels five months ago. Image
Jun 10, 2021 12 tweets 4 min read
1/ The recent market crash showed that treasuries should hold a healthy amount of stablecoins.

In cases like this, Mean-Variance Optimization (MVO) can be a good tool to find the optimal mix of stable and risky assets.

A thread on DAOs and MVO🧵

Mean-Variance Optimization (MVO) is a framework to construct asset allocations that maximize return for a given level of risk.

The key insight is that by combining assets with different expected returns and volatilities, one can decide on a mathematically optimal allocation.
May 13, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
DAOs now control treasuries worth billions of dollars.

Despite their size, most treasuries are concentrated in their native token making them fragile during turbulent times.

What would happen to their value if we were to see a 10%, 20%, or even an 80% market correction?

1/ Image In this enterprise piece @masonnystrom and I explore the DAO treasury landscape from a portfolio management perspective and provide solutions to address the vulnerabilities of current treasury allocations.…
May 7, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
La semana que terminó el 6 de mayo fue fenomenal en términos de desempeño.

Los mercados de criptomonedas se vieron impulsados ​​por $ETH, que rompió su máximo histórico, llegando a más de $3,600.

1/ Activos Principales

Los activos principales estuvieron nuevamente dominados por $DOGE.

La moneda terminó la semana con un rendimiento total del 104%.
May 7, 2021 8 tweets 3 min read
The week ending on May 6 was phenomenal in terms of performance.

Cryptocurrency markets were boosted by $ETH which smashed through its all-time high, rising to over $3,600.

At the same time, $DOGE continues its massive rally locking in a return of over 100% for the week.

1/ Top Assets

The top assets were dominated once again by $DOGE.

The surge in retail euphoria fueled the token's returns making it the best-performing asset with a total weekly return of 104%.
May 2, 2021 13 tweets 4 min read
Correlation is a key ingredient in the portfolio construction process.

If used correctly, it can be a powerful tool to reduce risk and improve portfolio diversification.

Here’s why it matters.

1/ First, let’s define what correlation is.

Correlation is a statistic that measures the relationship between two assets.

It is represented by a coefficient that ranges between -1 and +1 which tells you how likely it is that the price of two assets will move together.
Apr 30, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
El riesgo y el rendimiento son dos caras de la misma moneda.

En el resumen de esta semana, ampliamos nuestro análisis para explorar el rendimiento y el riesgo en los principales sectores del mercado de criptomonedas

Apr 30, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Risk and return are two sides of the same coin.

Generally, the higher the expected return of an investment, the higher the risk it carries.

In this week’s recap, we expanded our analytics to drill down on the performance and risk across the major sectors of crypto markets.

Apr 23, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Q1 2021 marked the beginning of the long-awaited ecosystem wars.

In this week's recap, we dive into the weekly performance of the most popular protocols across different Layer-1s. Ethereum

Assets with longevity on their side showed the highest resilience during the week. As of April 22nd, $MKR and $COMP were the only two assets in the Ethereum ecosystem with positive weekly returns.
Apr 23, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Since the last market cycle, CEX crypto derivative volumes have seen immense growth.

At its peak, BTC derivatives reached trading volumes of $84 billion, an increase of 922% from June 2020.

Can the same be said about decentralized derivatives?

👇🏻 The derivatives section of our piece investigates the rise of decentralized perpetual and synthetic protocols during Q1 2021.…
Apr 22, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
In Q1 2021 lending protocols saw an explosion in growth as DeFi continues to gain widespread adoption.

During the quarter lending deposits through all the major lending protocols surpassed $25 billion, a 2.8x increase from the end of Q4.

1/ Q1 DeFi Review: Lending, Derivatives, Insurance, and more.…
Apr 16, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Weekly Performance Recap as of April 15th

Data: @MessariCrypto

Centralized and decentralized exchanges were the top-performing sectors during the week fueled by the excitement of the Coinbase IPO. Top Assets by Market Capitalization

$DOGE and $XRP were the clear outperformers of the group with weekly returns of 114% and 88% respectively.
Apr 9, 2021 9 tweets 3 min read
Q1 2021 was a historic quarter for the industry.

Asset prices across all sectors reached new all-time highs as that bull market continues with full force.

Here is a recap of what happened 👇🏻 In this piece, the @MessariCrypto research team and I dive into the performance of the overall market and drill down on some of the top-performing assets in each sector according to our taxonomy.…