Gaurav Sabnis Profile picture
Hum bolega to bologe ke bolta hai! Food, travel, nature, history, astronomy, and marketing. Associate Professor @stevensbusiness. Opinions personall He/Him.

Apr 16, 2021, 12 tweets

Today's positivity postcard. Another of my special random #NYC strangers being kindred spirits experiences. Was sitting on in my building complex oval reading when I spot her stalking birds.
"Are you Anne Lazarus?" I ask her.
"Yes I am!" she says.

The legend herself! :)

Anne, active in the Linnean Society, is a bit of a legend in #NYC birding circles. Especially in the #StuyTown area about which she is like a walking bird encyclopedia and sighting database. I asked if I could tag along. She said of course!

For the next half hour, we walked around the oval, saw a couple of field sparrows, a couple of thrushes, many juncos. Such a cool lady! Luckily I always have binoculars with me. Then she saw this other lady staring upwards and said let's see what she is seeing!

That lady, Lisa, also an amateur birder. She was checking out a particularly pretty starling. And she asked if she could tag along. Suddenly we were 3 strangers forming the fellowship of the birders, led by the energetic and facts filled Anne. And we set off!

For most of the time, we did not see anything exceptional enough to report to ebird. But pretty birds. Anne was teaching us two strangers a lot about birding. Just to spread the love of birding.
Btw we all confirmed we were fully vaccinated but still stayed masked.

Then suddenly some dark clouds obscured the sun. And then as if on cue, the area's other alpha predator arrived - a red tailed hawk. The lawns emptied of sundry birds except crows who were like we aren't impressed by hawks.

The dark clouds made a great backdrop to see the crows and the hawk sizing each other up. The majestic full wing stretch of the hawk. The coordinated chasing by the crows. Just watched like it was being narrated by David Attenborough. And Anne making delighted noises.

A good 90 minutes spent with two #birdnerd strangers. Not exactly "only in NYC" but definitely a very NYC experience. Just randomly bonding with fellow nerds.

This was Anne's prize trophy of the day. The close-up of a field sparrow from a long distance away.

There is a lovely sequel to the story. After posting the tweets, I was heading home when who should I see but the Red-Tailed Hawk perched at a very instagram friendly location. People around me saw me with binoculars and instantly started taking pics. #NYC

I texted Rupal to come quickly and check him out cos he seemed in a very comfortable mood. Not really paying attention to the paparazzi. Just there flexing to tell everyone, listen, this is my territory, even if some crows occasionally try to create nuisance.

I couldn't stop taking pictures and videos of the dude.

Started the morning expecting to just read some New Yorker on a bench. Instead joined an impromptu birding party and saw a gorgeous red-tailed hawk from closer than I ever have. I love this city. 😍😍

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