Mal_Torres Profile picture
Texan from Bama, USAF Ret, disabled vet, LOCD Chair #CommonDefense #DemCast

Apr 16, 2021, 18 tweets

Title II — Election Integrity
This title would address restoration of the full protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and several other pressing voting rights issues, and also seeks to curb partisan gerrymandering of congressional districts.
#ForThePeopleAct #PassFTPA

Subtitle A — Findings Reaffirming Commitment of Congress to Restore the Voting Rights Act
Sect 5’s pre-clearance provision, which required states & localities w/histories of discriminatory voting practices to secure federal gov approval prior to making any changes to their rules.

Subtitle B — Findings Relating to Native American Voting Rights

Equal and fair access at the ballot box is #VoterProtection. 🗳

Subtitle C — Findings Relating to District of Columbia Statehood
Pass HR 1

Subtitle D — Territorial Voting Rights

Let Americans vote.

#PassFTPA #FreedomToVote

Subtitle E — Redistricting Reform

🔥ban partisan gerrymandering by prohibiting adoption of any map that has the intent or effect of “unduly favoring or disfavoring” one political party over another.
#PassFTPA HR 1

a) establish uniform rules that every state would have to follow when drawing congressional districts, including enhanced protections to make sure the political effectiveness of communities of color is not diluted and a mandate to keep towns, neighborhoods, and other geographic

b) areas where people have shared identities and common interests together in one district, where possible;

require that congressional redistricting be transparent and participatory, with open meetings and public hearings, opportunities

c) for the public to review and comment on proposed maps, and public access to underlying data and software so that members of the public can analyze maps and/or create and propose alternatives;

d) give voters an expedited right of action, redress violations of this subtitle, w/added provisions to ensure, if needed,violations can be corrected on an interim basis thru a temporary redistricting plan; and require that states carry out congressional redistricting using

e) individual independent commissions that:

prohibit current and recent lawmakers, staff, and lobbyists and others with conflicts of interest from serving on the commission;

f) include an equal number of Republican, Democratic, & unaffiliated or third-party members selected through a rigorous screening process, with voting rules designed to ensure that maps can pass only with support from all three groups; and

g) include members who are representative of the state’s demographic makeup and different geographic regions, with enough members from racial, ethnic, and language minorities to give those groups a meaningful opportunity to participate in the redistricting process.

Subtitle F — Saving Eligible Voters From Voter Purging

Requires any purge a voter be based on “objective reliable evidence” the voter is no longer eligible—which could not include: failure to vote; 🔥

Subtitle G — No Effect on Authority of States to Provide Greater Opportunities for Voting

This means any state MAY improve voter access but, cannot lessen access to voting. #FreedomToVote

Subtitle H — Residence of Incarcerated Individuals

Directs Bureau to count incarcerated people at their last address prior to imprisonment, Commerce Sec overseeing Bureau, consults w/ state corrections depart to gather relevant info about home addresses of incarcerated persons.

Subtitle I — Findings Relating to Youth Voting

🔥 youth voter suppression is a growing problem in the US, noting recent court decisions holding that certain state policies violated the 26th Amend, & calls on Congress to take further steps to defend the right to vote. #PassFTPA

Subtitle J — Severability

This section is don't throw the 👶 out with the bathwater. #PassFTPA
#ForThePeopleAct #DemCast

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