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Feb 23rd 2022
🚨🚨🚨 Dirty #republican #votersuppression is happening again. Despite 60% of #Sarasota voters overwhelmingly approving #singlememberdistricts in 2018, the @SRQCountyGov was able to piggyback a referendum on our upcoming School Tax Vote. 1/12
@gal_suburban spilled some tea on this company a while back. 2/12
The whole purpose of what they are doing in Sarasota is to disenfranchise voters, as the company in charge of distributing misleading fliers, Data Targeting, has done in the past. 3/12
Read 13 tweets
Apr 16th 2021
Title III — Election Security

This title aims to improve the security of U.S. election infrastructure to counter the threat of foreign interference.

#PassFTPA #HR1
#FreedomToVote #DemCast
• Establishes new grants to fund election security upgrades
• be owned & controlled by citizens or permanent residents of the US
•report cybersecurity incidents of goods & services provided to the EAC & DHS

#ElectionSecurity #FreedomToVote
Part 2 — Grants for Risk-Limiting Audits of Results of Elections

🔥 Conducts risk audits 🔥

• election officials manually recount a sufficient number of

💥->paper ballots<-💥

to ensure with a high level of statistical probability, the electronic tally's accurate.
Read 15 tweets
Apr 16th 2021
Title II — Election Integrity
This title would address restoration of the full protections of the Voting Rights Act of 1965 and several other pressing voting rights issues, and also seeks to curb partisan gerrymandering of congressional districts.
#ForThePeopleAct #PassFTPA
Subtitle A — Findings Reaffirming Commitment of Congress to Restore the Voting Rights Act
Sect 5’s pre-clearance provision, which required states & localities w/histories of discriminatory voting practices to secure federal gov approval prior to making any changes to their rules.
Subtitle B — Findings Relating to Native American Voting Rights

Equal and fair access at the ballot box is #VoterProtection. 🗳
Read 18 tweets
Apr 16th 2021
What does #ForThePeopleAct HR1 do for American voters?

This will be my hat tip to Rep John Lewis, may you rest in power Sir.

Let's advocate #GoodTrouble and #PassFTPA HR1.

#DemCastTX #CommonDefense
#Indivisible #FreshVoicesRise
Across 10 titles, this historic legislation would make it easier to vote in federal elections, end congressional gerrymandering, overhaul federal campaign finance laws,…
increase safeguards against foreign interference, strengthen gov ethics rules, & more. Most reforms would be implemented for the Nov 2022 general election, with the exception of some redistricting & public financing changes that would go into effect later.…
Read 17 tweets
May 21st 2020
BREAKING: It's critical that Americans have every opportunity to vote safely in the #2020Election. Today, @NAACP_LDF filed an emergency brief to push for absentee voting in TX.

This is the 5th #voterprotection brief LDF has filed since last month.…
“We cannot let Texas be a repeat of what happened in Wisconsin.”

-Mahogane Reed, John Payton Appellate & Supreme Court Advocacy Fellow at @NAACP_LDF
“The US Constitution does not allow states to require their citizens to risk contracting a serious disease to vote. Such requirements are a form of voter suppression, particularly against Black and Latinx voters."

-Sam Spital (@SamSpital), Director of Litigation @NAACP_LDF
Read 3 tweets

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