No Score Draws ✍️ (Alex & Sian - BOOK OUT NOW!) Profile picture
✍🏻Artistically challenged football doodlers 📕BOOK! The Unofficial World Cup Album: A Poorly Drawn Incomplete History 🛒

Apr 17, 2021, 22 tweets



One very wonky squad of promotion-winning Canaries coming up. It will probably be a disaster. Look at Emi Buendía - this is as good as it’s going to get.

RTs spread the pain 💛💚

Good grief it’s a rough start

About thirty more of these to go. Could be a long day. No one is going to come out of this well, least of all us.

Oh lord

This hasn't gone well. Not well at all.

Moving on

Giving ourselves a solid 3.5/10 for this

On a scale of 1 to 10, how big should Teemu Pukki's beard be?

We have our doubts as to whether his neck can really be that long. Seems unlikely.

No Tettey, no party 🥳



Two bad things happening - one, we are bad at drawing and two, our yellow sharpie is running out which could jeopardise this whole sorry endeavor

Substitute located. Hero of the hour. 💛

Big lovely face

Well this got out of hand


Somehow think "bad-drawings-of-Norwich-players" might no longer be today's biggest football story. THANKS SUPER LEAGUE.

Pouty. Maybe he's whistling.

It has been brought to our attention that we have drawn Pob. Apologies.

Current mood

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