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Apr 17, 2021, 11 tweets

Hawaii re-opened to tourists last year, and by mid-March the number of arriving domestic passengers exceeded 2020’s anemic levels by 400%.

A surge in visitors is undoubtedly good for the state’s hard-hit tourism economy. But is it good for Hawaiians?

A year after Hawaii's borders were first shut due to Covid, many locals have embraced a new normal:

🏖️Uncrowded beaches
🚦Free-moving traffic
🌊Cleaner air and water

In a recent poll, nearly half of Hawaiians said tourists are no longer worth the trouble

Around the globe, people living in tourist-dependent economies have spent Covid appreciating life free from the visiting hordes.

That is renewing a global debate about who exactly should benefit from tourism

The travel industry has impacted climate change:

➡️Tourism accounted for fully 8% of global greenhouse emissions between 2009 and 2013
➡️Overcrowding of tourists contributes to environmental degradation and a steady exodus of locals

Hanauma Bay in Hawaii was once a remote site enjoyed by locals.

By the time Covid hit, it was receiving 1 million tourists a year.

Those visitors trampled corals and left behind 412 pounds of sunscreen per day in the waters

Diagnosing overtourism is easier than finding a cure.

Its contraction has been tough in smaller, emerging-market countries.

Some ecologically fragile regions saw devastating increases in wildlife poaching as tourists stayed home during the pandemic

Recent surges of tourists in places such as Miami Beach have only added to worries that the end of Covid could mean a resumption of the old normal for communities beat down by too many visitors

A first step to fixing overtourism should be reforming how to measure a “successful” tourist business.

Visitor numbers and GDP have been the gold standard.

But groups like the @UNWTO could establish new metrics that take sustainability into account

✈️ Airlines and hotel chains could commit to sustainable tourism by:

➡️Reducing carbon emissions
➡️Improving waste management
➡️Investing in local communities

Businesses should recognize that harmful overtourism isn’t in their long-term interests.

Social-media sites should think of ways to educate their users about overtourism and discourage excessive crowds

Nobody wants a lecture about a post-Covid vacation.

But the message doesn’t need to be alienating: Traveling right just means thinking more like a local

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