Alok Bhatt Profile picture
A proud Indian; RTs are not endorsements- all my content can be copied without giving any credit .

Apr 18, 2021, 6 tweets

Shekhar Gupta should be the last person to talk about the need for Govt allowing states to import vaccines - between Dec 20 and Feb 21, your platform, in the name of educating readers, ran a virtual campaign against Bharat Biotech’s Covaxin

From the day 1, ThePrint’s economics graduates turned journalists fanned an opinion against Covaxin to create an impression that indigenous vaccine is being given special favours

Basis half baked information analysed by graduates in humanities turned journalists, a sinister campaign was launched against Covax

And it was not 3 months after this story, Shri @ShekharGupta ran a virtual campaign for allowing every vaccine basis trials elsewhere- note the headline and compare it with how same Gupta jee spoke for India not insisting on pressing for compliance with regulatory requirements!

See this absurd article was also published by @ShekharGupta - ofcourse @acorn wrote this

In one of the CH discussions, I have heard two early stage Moderna investors talk highly of Covaxin.But always remember that scores of Indians literally ran down this vaccine and Gupta’s platform lent space to all anti Covax voices- now he is running a campaign for more vaccines!

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