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Pro-Freedom, Pro-Free Speech, Anti-War ☮️

Apr 18, 2021, 7 tweets

Danish Press Board says report on Bill Browder Magnitsky lies and his tax evasion in Russia are true:
#NoMagntiskyAct 🇦🇺

@PeterCronau @WilkieMP @janet_rice @larissawaters @Greens…

Bill Browder gave false and misleading testimony to the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee for Human Rights, multiple times, after being warned by the chair @kevinandrewsmp that it may be Contempt of Parliament:

After Browder had given false testimony about his accountant Magnitsky, he proceeded to repeat his false claim that Magnitsky was put on trial after his death - a death due to pancreatitis, Browder lied when he said Magnitsky was murdered, falsely claiming he was beaten to death:

Browder then proceeded to tell an unsubstantiated story, which contradicted what he had written in his book "Red Notice", regarding a mythical meeting between Putin and the oligarchs that only Browder appears to have known:

Hansard vs "Red Notice" - another Bill Browder lie.

Bill Browder telling his made-up fake story to the Committee. Browder is a pathological liar, and in no way shape or form should his word, and the word of his corrupt entourage from the UK, be used to make Australian Law:

In a court ordered testimony in New York, US vs Prevezon Holdings, a case he initiated, yet was not very keen to appear under oath, his entire Magnitsky fable was shown to be an elaborate fraud:

"The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes"
A Film by Andrei Nekrasov
based on a true story
of a big lie

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