व्यासोन्मुखः Profile picture

Apr 18, 2021, 14 tweets

I saw the video. You correctly answered both questions instantly

Q.1 Definition of a Hindu
A. He is Hindu who believes in Vedas, Itihasa, Smriti, Aacharyas

Q.2 What is the sacred book in Hinduism ?
A. Supreme are 4 Vedas and then there are others in order

I stand with you. 👍

Person asking for proof/citation of definition of Hinduism etc. is unable to cross check multiple errors in the Sanskrit verse taken from भगवद्गीता being used in the video.

Looks like entire team is full of idiots and running an agenda.

Can he provide proof/citation of his own statement (image) from any Dharmik book or from any Acharya ?

Paddling such a nonsense and asking proof of Hinduism to others shows he is just an ignorant Hindu. A Rayta who uses catchy words/statements to impress others.

In part 3, He says
• JV has accepted Patanjali as father of modern योग
• To do योग, u need not to be Hindu.

Associating Patanjali with "Modern Yoga" shows JV is clueless about what he speaks.

Can JV provide any ref./citation of his 2nd claim ? Can he ask to JV ? 😇

In part 3 (5.57), He says he is reading Vedas. 😇😇. W/o knowing Sanskrit ?

Vedas can't be read. It is not a novel. If somebody is not aware about such a basic thing then he doesn't know ANYTHING about Vedas.

This "Reading couple of Vedas" is a laughable trend among Raytas.

In part 3 (6.00-6.10), He says whoever knows Vedas will agree with what JV says.

Can he cite a single approval of any Shankracharya or other traditional Guru for this ?

Only an idiot speaks whatever comes in mind on specific knowledge field.

I can go on and on. Every statement/word is problematic and close to lie in all three videos.

Making video on a controversial topic, earning RTs/fame among specific groups are becoming fashion among Raytas.

What they don't know is - Truth can't be overshadowed by propaganda.

This one image sums up the agenda.

And yes, can he provide reference of this statement from ANY scripture of the world ? 😀

"You need to be dragged on streets" is the threat given by JV lover to Vaibhav.

This group is not limited to JV. They hv back up of radical Aryasamaji who want to make Hinduism shallow from inside.

Listen the complete call. 👇

Here is a "Flexible sleeper cell" @RamaInExile who is found in almost all anti Hindu gangs.

Under the garb of "Indic Unity", he keeps RTing such anti Hindu stuff.

String team is trying to join hands with all possible Aryasamaji handles who can influence (misguide) people in big numbers.

Radical handles from ISKCON may be part of this "talent hunt" program. This is how the ecosystem is getting generated.

Observe the pattern.

These handles, in a team, are spreading propaganda and RT all possible contents which may damage the core of Hindu Dharma.

These all are indirectly associated with String team. Knowingly/Unknowingly they are part of the damage.

This handle is a known Tradition hater under the garb of "Dharmik Unity" and sharing this video of String team.

Such people ruining ISKCON's image by working as a sleeper cell of Anti Hindu groups.

Another pseudo unity singer. The way, @/StringReveals are getting support from almost all anti tradition people shows how deep this nexus is.

This is no less than a leftist ecosystem. Having different ideology is fine but trying to suppress it and bully people are dangerous.

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