व्यासोन्मुखः Profile picture
Personal Account. MA - Sanskrit (Dharmashastra & Arthashastra). History-Literature-Indian Knowledge System (IKS).
Umed Mehta #Modi Ka Pariwaar 🇮🇳 Profile picture Anand Gupta Profile picture 2 subscribed
May 24 11 tweets 2 min read
Completed Chardham Yatra today. Fortunate to have Darshan at all four places but witnessed a complete failure of law & order.

Devotees were harassed by police & state machinery on the road & at Mandir places.

Mismanagement and chaos were deliberately created to stop devotees. Local police was ordered to stop vehicles for indefinite time forgetting that there may be senior citizens and children inside it.

No support of food/water by state for these vehicles and no information passed down to them about traffic regulations.

Devotees were on their own.
Aug 27, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Known as the "First Archaeologist of #India", Bhagwanlal Indraji (19th Century) from #Gujarat, discovered & deciphered many inscriptions, Coins, Sites etc. of ancient India.

His works were in Gujarati so remained unacknowledged for a long time and credit was taken by others. Image During his excavation at Junagadh (1866-68), he did find two well carved sculptures probably ~2200 yrs old -
1) Life size female figure
2) Pair of Elephants

These sculptures are now lost. Probably smuggled out of the country. Bhagwanlal captured detail in his 1883 report. Image
Nov 29, 2021 9 tweets 5 min read
बालकाण्ड 1.76.17 of #रामायणम् - श्रीराम is none other but विष्णु.

How is this interpolation ? अयोध्याकाण्ड 2.1.7 of #रामायणम् - श्रीराम is विष्णु. How is this also interpolation ?
Oct 17, 2021 17 tweets 12 min read
Thread -
Collection of tweets/threads/content related to connection of #Sanskrit and East Asia (#China and other East Asian countries).

Sanskrit is a gift of #India to the world which played a pivotal role in East Asian civilization and culture. (1) Overview of the Silk Route - life line of the voyage of Sanskrit in #China 👇
Sep 6, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
नेति कौटिल्यः । Kautilya disagrees.

Facts -
1) No Historical evidence to prove CG Maurya died at Shravanabelagola.

2) Forget about Bhadrabahu, no evidence about connection of CG Maurya with any Jain monk in 297 BCE.

#History Refuted this myth "CG Maurya died as Jain at Shravanabelagola" on 24-Oct-2020 👇
Sep 4, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
This Thread is a compilation of threads/tweets pertaining to refutation of propaganda/misleading statements and related explanation based on #नीतिशास्त्रम्.

#Nitishastra is a broad term for #पञ्चतन्त्रम् , #हितोपदेशः , #शुक्रनीतिः etc. (1) One misleading tweet of Mr. Kak is refuted here based on #पञ्चतन्त्रम्. 👇
Aug 23, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
So, insulting ब्राह्मण community and a brave क्षत्रिय king are absolutely ok.

Also, ok is creating a derogatory term "Hyper Hindu".
SS of the same tweet, in case I get blocked from Shefali ji.
Aug 4, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Dialogues with a vegetable vendor in simple #संस्कृतम्

शाकविक्रेत्रा सरलसंस्कृते संवादः ।

• विक्रेता = Seller/Vendor
• विक्रेत्रा = With seller/vendor Some words used in this dialogue and their meaning for understanding -

• आपण Shop (विपण Market)
• शाकापण Vegetable shop
• स्यूत Bag/Suitcase etc.
• धनपत्र Currency notes/paper money
Jul 20, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read
This thread is a compilation of writing/threads/tweets on Kautilya's #अर्थशास्त्रम् (Arthashastra).

Thread also includes refutation of propagandas against Kautilya/Arthashastra and topics which are refuted/supported based on Arthashastra. (1) The very first article I wrote on Kautilya's Arthashastra, also published on @/indictoday

It traces origin-tradition-veneration of Arthashastra as a शास्त्र and later on guiding force for Empires/Kings. It also lists tradition before & after कौटिल्य.
Jun 23, 2021 4 tweets 3 min read
Roots of योग are Hindu, not Jain.

Common Sources -
#योगसूत्रम् (पतंजलि) predates any Jain literature (~200 BCE)
• Artifacts in योग positions (Sindhu-Sarasvati civilization) predate any Jain artifact (~4000 BCE/older)
• श्रीकृष्ण (योगेश्वर Master of योग) predates Jainism Image During time of पतंजलि, writing was already in vogue in #India. Kautilya in #अर्थशास्त्रम् (~350 BCE) has mentioned keeping written records in administration.

It proves oral practice was already ended by that time. It means, Jain sources came later on.
May 18, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Person doesn't know #History & current affairs is insulting a Dharmik Kshatriya king Jaichand.

• It was Jaichand who built the temple at Ayodhya
• His inscription helped Hindus to win over sullas in Ram Mandir case
• He died fighting against Ghori unlike cowards Here are evidences on Jaichand which I have referred in tweet above. 👇
May 18, 2021 14 tweets 9 min read

Thread on selected Museums of #Gujarat

(1) In 1964, "Department of #Museum" was established in #Gujarat. By 2010, Gujarat had 60+ active Museums at many locations.

Museum is a silent demonstrator of our heritage/#History.

@GujaratTourism @prahladspatel (2) Earliest Museums of Gujarat were established (pre 1947) by kings/wealthy people.

• Bhuj Museum (1877)
• Barton Museum, Bhavnagar (1882)
• Rajkot Museum (1888)
• Winchester Museum (Now Sardar Patel), Surat (1890)
• Vadodara Museum (1894)
• Junagadh Museum (1901)
May 11, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
In entire thread, not a single word is derogatory for woman but the चूल to comment without reading the content is so high in some ladies that they demonstrate their मन्दबुद्धि to all.

This is why I am blocking such handles. Woman so much concerned about धर्म is using word ch*tiy*.

What a RW sherni ! 😀
May 11, 2021 16 tweets 6 min read
There is a world beyond मेधातिथि and Altekar. Few people have very narrow view point on such Dharmik matter.

In this Thread, I will answer basic questions about Sati with शास्त्रप्रमाण.

This thred is for genuine people, not for शास्त्रद्रोही people/gang.
(1) (2)
Q - Is Sati practiced in ancient eras ?

A - Yes. Wives of श्रीकृष्ण and Pandu (माद्री) practiced it with grace. People keep them in high regard. Nobody condemned it (#महाभारतम् )

There may be more examples from other शास्त्र but these are well known.
Apr 20, 2021 32 tweets 20 min read
Thread -
Shallow understanding of @VedicWisdom1 on शूद्र and duties.

His claim : कृषि (Farming) is NOT work of शूद्र. This is FALSE.

Responsibilities/Duties of शूद्र are

शूद्रस्य द्विजातिशुश्रूषा वार्त्ता कारुकुशीलवकर्म च ।
#अर्थशास्त्रम् (1.3.8). See image. (1) Image (2)
Where is कृषि here ? It is in वार्त्ता (Economical activities).

कृषिपाशुपाल्ये वणिज्या च वार्त्ता ।
#अर्थशास्त्रम् (1.4.1)

कृषि (Farming), पशुपालन (Cattles), वाणिज्य (Trade).

So, farming is also work of शूद्र.
Apr 19, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
WRONG interpretation by @Sanjay_Dixit

Quoting RP Kangle (Verbatim) -

"Among sons of the same wife, the (special) share of the eldest (is to be) goats in the case of ब्राह्मण, horses in case of क्षत्रिय, cattle in case of वैश्य, sheep in case of शूद्र.

Here, कौटिल्य (1/2) 2/2
Depicts how to do division of various animals by people of all four वर्ण to their eldest son respectively. This सूत्र has nothing to do with वर्ण by जन्म/कर्म.

This सूत्र of #अर्थशास्त्रम् is a guideline. Understanding सूत्र literature needs proper knowledge of #Sanskrit.
Apr 18, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
I saw the video. You correctly answered both questions instantly

Q.1 Definition of a Hindu
A. He is Hindu who believes in Vedas, Itihasa, Smriti, Aacharyas

Q.2 What is the sacred book in Hinduism ?
A. Supreme are 4 Vedas and then there are others in order

I stand with you. 👍 Person asking for proof/citation of definition of Hinduism etc. is unable to cross check multiple errors in the Sanskrit verse taken from भगवद्गीता being used in the video.

Looks like entire team is full of idiots and running an agenda.
Apr 13, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
Thread on how to write numbers > 100 in #संस्कृतम्

100 = शतम् ... एकवचनान्त (Singular) नपुंसकलिङ्गी (neuter gender) । 2.
• 1000 = सहस्रम् ।
• 10,000 = अयुतम् ।
• 1 lakh = लक्षम् ।
• 10 lakh = नियुतम् / प्रयुतम् ।

All these are singular and नपुंसकलिङ्गी. Decline as गृहम् .

• 1 Crore = कोटिः ।
• 10 Crore = दशकोटिः ।

These two are स्त्रीलिङ्गी (Feminine) and decline as मतिः ।
Apr 11, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
There is an #Inscription at #Cambodia of a Hindu King यशोवर्मन् (889-910 CE). There, he has paid respect to Manu of #मनुस्मृतिः.

Manu was always revered in and out of #India since ages. Idiots should stop opening their mouth on #धर्मशास्त्रम् . Image And apart from मनुस्मृति, there are many other स्मृति texts which are survived, commented and respected.

They are - याज्ञवल्क्य, गौतम, पराशर, नारद, अत्रि, व्यास etc.

Irony is - Such idiot Hindus are spreading nonsense w/o having zero knowledge on anything. Image
Dec 22, 2020 12 tweets 8 min read
Adding useful info from #Inscription of #Gupta era (~320-550 CE) in this thread in support of सत्र (#Temple Kitchen, अन्नदान) tradition of Hindus

• Place - गढवा (Pic 1)
• Dist. - प्रयागराज, #UttarPradesh

1/n ImageImage गढवा is a #Fort near to प्रयागराज. Ancient name of this place was भट्टग्राम.

Some 6-7 Inscriptions are found from here in #Sanskrit language. Most of them are badly damaged and so incomplete but still giving useful information.
2/n Image
Dec 19, 2020 5 tweets 4 min read
Thread -
Bagastan #Inscription of #Iran and its connection with Gandhara (Ancient #India) & Hindu Kush (उपरिश्येन) mountains

• Antiquity : ~500 BCE
• Patronage : Darius, Achaemenid Empire

• Pic 1 - Location of Bagastan in Iran
• Pic 2 - View of the Inscription

1/5 2/5
7th line of the Inscription mentions गन्धार (Gadaara in Persian) as a part of Achaemenid Empire.

Darius, in this Inscription, mentions about ~23 territories under his control. Gandhara is his eastern most territory.