Kevin Wilson Profile picture
Epidemiologist. Spare-time interest in scientometrics. Tweeting as a private science nerd.

Apr 18, 2021, 21 tweets

Today in the #AtlanticBubble

24 new cases were reported in the region: 3 in PEI, 4 in Newfoundland and Labrador*, 7 in Nova Scotia, and 10 in New Brunswick.

20/24 were traced at time of reporting (needs improvement).

There are now 234 known, active cases in the region.

PEI reported 3 new cases today, all related to travel.

Among them is a child under the age of 10 who has been admitted to hospital (PEI's 2nd pandemic hospitalization).

The first hospitalization from earlier in the week is now in ICU.

Now 10 known, active cases in PEI.

Here's hoping for a speedy recovery for the two people in hospital in PEI.

It's the weekend, so I'm reporting on testing.

PEI's test positivity this week was 0.16%.

NL reported 4 new cases today, although 1 was actually from yesterday.

All of the new cases are in the Eastern health region - 1 is a close contact of an existing case and the other 3 are related to travel.

There are now 22 known, active cases in NL.

NL's test positivity rate this week was 0.15%.

You can see the spike in reported tests from the Corner Brook investigation this week.

NB reported 10 new cases today: 1 travel-related case in Saint John, and 9 in the Edmundston area (6 close contacts of existing cases and 3 still under investigation).

There are now 153 known, active cases in NB.

Updated restrictions and case levels map and case timeline with Edmundston emphasized.

No real progress in the Edmundston outbreak in terms of case numbers, although contact tracing seems to be a bit better recently.

NB's test positivity rate this week was 0.84%

NS reported 7 new cases today: 3 travel-related cases in the Eastern zone, and 4 in the Halifax area (1 travel-related, 2 close contacts and 1 still under investigation).

There are now 49 known, active cases in NS.

One of the close contact cases from today is linked to a case from yesterday;; both are staff members are a long-term case facility.

Most staff and residents are fully immunized, but testing is underway as a precaution.

There was a spate of exposure notices in the Halifax area last night and there will be at least one more tonight.

With an un-linked case in the city, I recommend that you go get tested, even if you don't have symptoms.

NS' test positivity rate this week was 0.24%.

Here is what the region looks like today.

This is actually a little misleading, as PEI and Eastern NL are both withing a rounding error of becoming visible on the map.

The sheer volume of travel-related cases entering the region is unprecedented.

You can see the entire pandemic timeline for the Atlantic region and surrounding area in the animation.

Each tick is a week since the start of the pandemic in March of last year.

Provincial and Territorial Vaccine Roll-Out

Top of the ribbon is doses distributed, bottom is doses administered.

The higher the ribbon goes, the more people are being vaccinated. The wider it gets, the more doses sit unused.

National ribbon outlined in black.

Vaccine Roll-Out Metrics

1st graph is percent of distributed doses that have been used.

2nd graph shows how many days since each province had enough doses to cover their current usage.

3rd graph shows percent of eligible population that is newly vaccinated each day.

This animation shows each province's vaccination pace as a percent of the pace they need to each 80% first dose coverage by the end of June (based on how many they have already vaccinated and how much time is left).

Older data becomes less visible over time.

Here is the percent of the eligible population of each province covered by at least one vaccine dose (2nd graph shows the Territories).

% eligible with at least one dose / % eligible that can get a first dose with what's in storage right now:

BC: 27.2%/9.4%
AB: 25.2%/9.2%
SK: 30.8%/6.6%
MB: 23.2%/13.5%
ON: 27.2%/8.8
QC: 31.6%/7.5%
NB: 25.7%/9.7%
NS: 19.3%/14.5%
NL: 25.5%/9.6%
PEI: 22.6%/10.5%

That's it for tonight's update.

Really hoping this wave of travel cases and period exposure announcements in NB (and not NS to a lesser degree) die down soon.

Have a great rest of the night!

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