Kevin Wilson Profile picture
Epidemiologist. Housing maximalist. Local reviewer of bike routes in Halifax (HFX By Bike): Find me at
Aug 15, 2021 32 tweets 18 min read
The Great Big Canadian Pandemic Summary Thread (5th edition)

First a summary of the pandemic in Canada.

Bonus analysis on pandemic outcomes in Canadian health regions and US counties You can find the previous four summaries here:

Aug 14, 2021 17 tweets 10 min read
Today in the #AtlanticBubble

No one updated their numbers, so I'll just do the full weekend report on yesterday's numbers.

There are currently 126 known, active cases in the region. The test positivity rate in the region was 0.3%
Aug 14, 2021 14 tweets 3 min read
Quick thread on vaccines, outbreaks, and why *who* is vaccinated as much as how many (although both are very important) There's a pre-print out that gives estimates (based on sero-prevalence) of the probability of needing to go to the hospital or dying if infected with SARS-CoV-2 for a series of age brackets:…
Aug 13, 2021 12 tweets 6 min read
Today in the #AtlanticBubble

27 new cases were reported:

2 in PEI (travel-related)

4 in Newfoundland and Labrador: 1 in Labrador-Grenfell, 3 in the Eastern Health region (all travel)

2 in Nova Scotia: 1 each in the Northern (travel) and Eastern (under investigation) zones ImageImageImageImage New Brunswick reported 19 new cases:

2 each in Fredericton (under investigation), Campbellton (under investigation), and Bathurst (close contacts).

3 in Saint John (2 travel-related, 1 under investigation)

10 in Moncton (5 contacts, 5 under investigation).
Aug 12, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Today in the #AtlanticBubble

18* new cases were reported

11 in New Brunswick: 2 in Saint John (travel), 9 in Moncton (3 close contacts, 6 under investigation)

7* in Nova Scotia: 1 each in Western (travel) and Eastern (contact), and 5 in Halifax (all travel, 3 old/unreported) ImageImageImageImage Regional Summary

Remains quiet save for the outbreak in the Moncton area.

Things still getting worse in Maine. Image
May 31, 2021 23 tweets 12 min read
Today in the #AtlanticBubble

33 new cases were reported: 2 each in PEI, and Newfoundland and Labrador, 12 in New Brunswick, and 17 in Nova Scotia.

There are now 709 known, active cases in the region. PEI reported 2 new cases today, both related to travel outside the region and both detected during routine testing in isolation.

There are now 14 known, active cases in PEI.
May 30, 2021 16 tweets 10 min read
Today in the #AtlanticBubble

36 new cases were reported in the region: 7 in Newfoundland and Labrador, 9 in New Brunswick, and 20 in Nova Scotia.

1 new death was reported, bringing the regional total to 134.

There are now 764 known, active cases in the region. PEI didn't update their numbers today, leaving them with 12 known, active cases.
May 30, 2021 47 tweets 21 min read
The Great Big Canadian Pandemic Summary Thread (3rd edition)

The 3rd wave in Canada is winding down.

As usual, there will be 2 parts: 1 summarizing each of the provinces and territories, and 1 custom analysis looking at determinants. All the summaries have a common format. The grey shading in the background is the range of the lowest to highest per capita rate for the country.

The colour-shading is the same at the provincial level, and the line just shows the overall provincial rate.
May 29, 2021 24 tweets 13 min read
Today in the #AtlanticBubble

52 new cases were reported in the region: 9 in Newfoundland and Labrador, 10 in New Brunswick, and 33 in Nova Scotia.

4 new deaths were reported, making the regional total 133.

There are now 821 known, active cases in the region. It's the weekend, so I'm reporting test numbers.

Test positivity in the region is down to 0.76% for the week.
May 28, 2021 12 tweets 6 min read
NS reported 40 new cases today:

2 in the Western zone

4 in the Northern zone

5 in the Eastern zone

29 in the Halifax area (Central zone)

1 new death was reported in the Halifax area, bringing the provincial total to 80.

There are now 585 known, active cases in NS. ImageImageImageImage NS Outbreak Detailed:

Restrictions/case levels map

Case origins timeline

Cases per capita timeline with Halifax emphasized

Comparison of Halifax outbreak wind-down to the worst outbreak in each health region in the country (scaled peak-to-peak) ImageImageImageImage
May 28, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
Today in the #AtlanticBubble

65 new cases were reported in the region today: 2 in PEI, 9 in New Brunswick, 14 in Newfoundland and Labrador, and 40 in Nova Scotia.

1 new death was reported, bringing the regional total to 129.

There are now 932 known, active cases in the region ImageImageImageImage PEI reported 2 new cases today:

Both were related to travel and both were detected during routine testing in isolation.

There are now 12 known, active cases in PEI. ImageImageImage
May 27, 2021 21 tweets 12 min read
Today in the #AtlanticBubble

The home stretch

48 new cases were reported in the region: 6 in Newfoundland and Labrador, 9 in New Brunswick, and 33 in Nova Scotia.

13/15 outside of NS were traced at the time of reporting.

There are now 874 known, active cases in the region. ImageImageImageImage PEI reported now new cases today, but did announce their plan to wind-down their pandemic related restrictions in the coming weeks and months (more on that later).

There are now 10 known, active cases in PEI. ImageImageImage
May 1, 2021 30 tweets 16 min read
The Great Big Canadian Pandemic Summary Thread (2nd edition)

Since the first summary a month ago, much of Canada has experienced a 3rd wave of cases which has since crested.

There will be 2 parts: 1 summarizing each part of the country, and the other looking at determinants. For all the graphs, I have the national range in the background in grey: the bottom is the lowest per capita rate by any health region and the top is the highest per capita rate.

So everything will be visible on the same scale.

Examples: ImageImage
Apr 19, 2021 23 tweets 10 min read
Today in the #AtlanticBubble

30 new cases were reported in the region today: 3 each in PEI and Newfoundland and Labrador, 9 in New Brunswick, and 15 in Nova Scotia.

25/30 were traced at the time of reporting.

There are now 259 known, active cases in Atlantic Canada. PEI reported 3 new cases today, all related to travel.

Due to the large number or travel-related cases, PEI has announced that effective immediately it is closing borders to non-resident travelers from outside the Atlantic region

There are now 13 known, active cases in PEI.
Apr 18, 2021 21 tweets 11 min read
Today in the #AtlanticBubble

24 new cases were reported in the region: 3 in PEI, 4 in Newfoundland and Labrador*, 7 in Nova Scotia, and 10 in New Brunswick.

20/24 were traced at time of reporting (needs improvement).

There are now 234 known, active cases in the region. PEI reported 3 new cases today, all related to travel.

Among them is a child under the age of 10 who has been admitted to hospital (PEI's 2nd pandemic hospitalization).

The first hospitalization from earlier in the week is now in ICU.

Now 10 known, active cases in PEI.
Apr 17, 2021 13 tweets 8 min read
Today in the #AtlanticBubble

19 new cases were reported in the region today: 8 in Nova Scotia and 11 in New Brunswick.

All but one was successfully traced at the time of reporting (part of the Edmundston outbreak).

There are now 219 known, active cases in Atlantic Canada. ImageImageImageImage PEI didn't update their numbers today, leaving them with 7 known, active cases. ImageImageImage
Apr 17, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Weekly Canada and US COVID-19 Update

Cases up in most of Canada, with several provinces having case rates similar to or exceeding those seen in the US (Alberta is 11th, Ontario 14th, Saskatchewan 17th, BC 23rd, Quebec 26th. ImageImage You can see the geographic distribution (by US Census region) of cases across the entire pandemic timeline in this animation.
Apr 4, 2021 19 tweets 11 min read
Today in the #AtlanticBubble

18 new cases were reported in the region today: 7 in Nova Scotia and 11 in New Brunswick.

11/19 were traced at the time of reporting (ooof)

There are now 213 known, active cases in in Atlantic Canada. It's the weekend, so I'm reporting on testing.

The region's test positivity rate was 0.27% this week.
Apr 4, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
Weekly COVID-19 US and Canada Summary

Cases are taking off in parts of Canada and the US. Deaths haven't started ticking up yet. This animation shows cases per capita for each US region and Canada.

The shaded interval is the regional minimum and maximum rates for each region, the line is the regional rate.

Obvious increases in Canada, US north-east and mid-west. Some top rate increase in south and west.
Apr 3, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
*cheap kazoo music*

PHAC doesn't update it's data on holidays and half of provinces are reporting anyways, so my data pipeline is a bit broken for today.

So the #AtlanticBubble update will be a little low key... NB reported 9 new cases today: 2 in Saint John (both still under investigation) and 7 in Edmundston (5 close contacts of existing cases and 2 under investigation).

Maine is becoming a dumpster fire again, so mass testing in communities along the border is prudent.

153 active.
Apr 3, 2021 43 tweets 18 min read
The Great Big Canadian Pandemic Summary Thread (as promised)

Some of us are heading into a 3rd wave of the pandemic, so I though a recap of where we've all been might be worthwhile.

The first part is going to summarize each province at the health-region level... For all the graphs, I have the national range in the background in grey: the bottom is the lowest per capita rate by any health region and the top is the highest per capita rate.

So everything will be visible on the same scale.
