✨Beth🌸🔞✨Wangxian Brainrot Profile picture
She/Her • 28 y/o • Eng/Esp🇻🇪/Ita • Writer • BNHA • MXTX • 🔞 AGE IN BIO OR I'LL BLOCK YOU 🔞 Tip jar: https://t.co/PMLqSxFGBR • SFW: @BethsFluff

Apr 19, 2021, 35 tweets

I have- so many. It's not even funny YuY

Y'all are liking this faster than I can get screenshots 😂

(1) A MIRITAMA JOINT TRAINING FIC - It's on pause for now because EVENTS, and because writing fight scenes is hard 😂 But the world will be getting some Mirio and Tamaki smacking each other ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

(2) Screenshots of a thread I've been working on o/

cw// suspected cheating and some angst (つ✧ω✧)つ

(3) Yet another Noncon fic I know I'll come back to at some point.

The title is pretty self-explanatory 😂

cw// forced kissing, implied future noncon because that's what this is for. It's coming 🤣

There's 2 general folders for BNHA writing. "Story based" and "Porn Without Plot". I guess this has a bunch of plot underneath, but it's still in the PWP folder 🤣

(4) So, Cannibal Tamaki? Cannibal Tamaki. I started to plot this fic for the #TamakiWeek2021, and then this monster grew too much (like they do), and now it's sitting on my folder, waiting.

Just the boy eating people, a normal Tuesday 😂

(5) A while ago, I made a poll asking who did people think more likely to break up with the other. Tamaki won that poll, and this WIP started a few days later.

This project is called "exile" and it'll break my heart to write it 🤣

Also the name comes from this song:

I just- see, they are each other's safest place. Essentially their home. So breaking up is like being exiled. /In this essay I will-/

(5) Some NightMight for my MiriTama centric Fantasy AU. Some day I'll have the time to crack down the full process of how Toshinori didn't know how to read and Mirai had to teach him in the middle of war ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

(6) THIS IS A GOOD ONE Y'ALL- Tetsu gets his ass beaten and Fat is such a kind mentor and I love it 😭 I really gotta finish this one. THE BOYS DESERVE THE LOVE.

(7) I am- nowhere near as comfortable with my drawings as I am with my writing, but here's some sketches UwU

(8) SO, a while ago I was writing a super angsty one-shot that employed @NikisSinCafe demon Mirio and a bunch of awful things. Discretion is advised 😂

cw// implied noncon, violence, injury, underage sex, sex demon stuff

(10, because I posted 5 twice 🤣) I plotted a whole ass MiriTama centric Hunger Games AU. It's A/B/O and everything. Fun 😂

But sometimes you just want to play the game "yeet your OTP in an emotion book scene and grab popcorn."

cw// implied murder, implide suicide attempt

(11) A let's-practice-with-my-sis'-graphic-tablet Tamaki

There's- so much room to improve, but I still did it myself, so I'm proud (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

I really gotta practice more 👀✨

(12) Two million years ago I wrote 7 pages of a MiriTama child-fic where they both suffer thinking of the hinders their offspring could inherit from him. It's mainly these two dorks supporting each other YuY

It was literally writing those pages in a spur of the moment- like- 2 days? Then the itch had been scratched and the WIP has remained the same ever since 😂

(13) This is one of those things I'm honestly kinda surprised I hadn't posted yet? Just some TamaGum. Tamaki is a talented boy UwU

cw// A/B/O, oral, deepthroating, underage, age gap, Taishiro is kiiiinda drunk

(14) So, in this one Oboro, Shouta and Mic are raising little Tenko. You don't know it yet but it ends up in friggin hilarious stuff😂 @t1n4k3 and I have talked about it a lot xD

In this Tenko gets into a fight at school and now he's grounded. Oboro is trying to appeal his case

(15) Do you ever get an itch to make a Hogwarts AU? Except- you make it teacher/student instead? 😂

Yes, it's MiriTama too. I think I've exposed my preference quite a lot 😂

cw// age gap, teacher/student,

(16) Once upon a time I posted a little idea for an Actor AU in my SFW account. Y'all can thank @nekophy_SC for the soon to come existence of a longer version, revamped, with cute stuff 😂

cw// Mirio's puns should be a crime-

link to the original actor AU for context & organization's sake:

(17) Another thread I've been working on, kind of on and off. Basically, it's Valentine's Day, Tamaki got chocolate and Mirio is just a liiiiiittle jealous >:3

Don't take your crushes for granted, peeps UwU

(18) SO- as it can be guessed from the title, my Fantasy AU has 6 projected "arcs." This is a draft for a scene of the next (4th chronologically) arc.

It's smut. Just smut. The 4th Time is PACKED with smut 😂

cw// A/B/O,

(19) Once upon a time, I saw @DigitalPopsicle's Beauty and the Beast Rapgum art on the BNHA Disney Zine and got hit with a sudden inspiration. I lost what I'd written for this when I had to uninstall Twitter, but here you have some of the plot I jolted in a group chat UwU

(20) Fun porn aside, I have this bit of an obsession for how presenting could up with relationships in A/B/O universes.

This is part of a bigger project where Mirio and Tamaki end up as friends-with-benefits of sorts. Watch out for angst >:3

cw// underage, mentions of oral sex

And now that I'm at it, I should probably link the other actual piece of written exploration I've done on this 👀✨

Mind the content warnings 😂

Aaaand since I've mentioned my Fantasy AU I should probably link it too. This thing is basically my favorite child 😂

There's 1 piece of tooth-rotting fluff and 1 of fuck-or-die... Mind the tags 👀✨


Now back to business (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

(21) This is for my SFW account, @BethsFluff, though whether it stays there will depend on how steamy things get 😂

It was supposed to be light, fluffy and quick. And now it's kinda angsty and over 40 tweets (~‾▿‾)~

(22) SO- once upon a time @NikisSinCafe and I plotted a PJO MiriTama AU. And then we made it problematic, because we /could/ 😂

Mirio and Tamaki are two runaway demigod kids that end up watching porn and trying to- imitate *coughcough*

cw// shota, underage

(23) So, Mafia Mob Mirio that kidnaps Tamaki? And then maims him to send a message? Yeah? Yeah ヾ(・ω・*)ノ

Like everything else, this is part of a very complex AU. MiriTama, side KiriBaku; Mirio is /not/ a good guy 😂

cw// blood, injury, amputation, stitching

That AU is basically the evil older sibling of this one 😂

Aaaand, with this I close the WIP showing. 23 likes and 23 WIPs. This was fun (つ✧ω✧)つ

Don't hesitate to reply/QRT your favorite ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ) It's always nice to see my babies get some love UwU

If you enjoyed reading through this, consider buying me a coffee (つ✧ω✧)つ


If you made it all the way here remember to drink water, eat some veggies and give yourself some love. Be kind to yourself, even if it's just a little every day ヘ( ̄ω ̄ヘ)

Now I must go back to the void ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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