✨Beth🌸🔞✨Wangxian Brainrot Profile picture
She/Her • 28 y/o • Eng/Esp🇻🇪/Ita • Writer • BNHA • MXTX • 🔞 AGE IN BIO OR I'LL BLOCK YOU 🔞 Tip jar: https://t.co/PMLqSxFGBR • SFW: @BethsFluff
Apr 25 61 tweets 10 min read
For #omegaxianweek, I bring you a fake dating + kind of arranged marriage/royalty AU? Wangxian.

cw// a/b/o

WWX presents /really/ late.

It's embarrassing, really. All of a sudden, he is an /omega/, instead of the beta he has been raised to be. There's so much that+ no one really thought about; so many things he's expected to know and /do/ now, like speaking softly, and behaving modestly, and /getting married/.

The "getting married" part is a problem.

WWX had figured the Jiang clan won't really arrange a marriage for him. Uncle Jiang+
Apr 19 20 tweets 4 min read
Modern AU #wangxian
Thinking about teenji going into a date with LZ to an amusement park. He goes to the bathroom to splash water on his face (to try and resist the constant flirting) and comes back to WWX playing one of the games to get prizes.

He is indignant at this. How+ /dare/ WY flirt around while on a date with him.

He tries to tell himself he should've expected as much. But no amount of rationalization can make this better: he is seething. He can't believe WWX's audacity.

He just /has to/ impede this, through whatever means necessary.
Dec 29, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Thinking about MiriTama ice-skating for the first time.

Tamaki, who's skated since he was young, sliding gracefully on the ice. And Mirio, who's trying it for the first time, but is way too excited to stick to the rail like other beginners.

Instead, he follows+ Tamaki around — tries to, at least. He keeps falling, over and over again, butt landing on the ice with a thud.

Tamaki does what he can to help him. He tries to teach him how to hold his weight, and how to curve his knees and what to do if he feels like he's going+
Dec 10, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
cw/ nsfw, lingerie

Thinking about Tamaki wearing a garter belt, and stockings that climb his long muscular legs. The belt fits perfectly around his tiny waist, thin lace somewhat masking his abs.

No panties. He couldn't find them — a pity, really. He knows how much Mirio+ likes to lick his cock through the fabric until he's gasping and screaming to please take them off. He loves it when Mirio breaks them; when fabric falls victim to the most carnal part of themselves. It's probably not pretty, and it turns out quite expensive (custom-made+
Dec 7, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
cw// noncon, revenge noncon, just pain

Why did my brain choose a random ass Wednesday to bombard me with the thought of Dabi nonconning Sero?

Hanta thought he was going to kill him — every bit of the chase seemed to point to that. But, at the last second, Dabi seems to decide+ against it. Instead, he pulls at his hair and whispers "you're Shouto's little boyfriend, aren't you?"

Hanta doesn't reply — at least, not beyond a "what-?" But it's not like Dabi is listening. He knows what he needs to know.

He rips his costume off. It's revolting. Sero tries+
Oct 30, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
@DoodlesKisu art just made me think of baby gum twins as toddlers climbing their dad like he's a jungle gym.

When they're toddlers, it's their favorite game. They compete to see who gets to the top faster, and whenever they fall, their dad somehow always appears to catch them+ before they can even get close to the ground.

It's only a problem when they start to /jump/ from his shoulders at the same time for him to catch them, but that's usually when Rumi joins the game — she has the quickest reflexes, and can catch a flying child even if she's at the+
Oct 25, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
Thinking about the Mirio at a party, surrounded by classmates. It's late, everyone is drunk, and somehow they end up playing truth or dare.

Mirio is always up to a dare, and maybe that's why people love playing this game around him. But today of all days he decides to+ break his nearly perfect streak of dares and picks truth.

There's an onslaught of laughter and whistling. Mirio joins the laughter, because everything is nice and bubbly and he feels light and great; so great he's still laughing even when the question comes out.
Jul 21, 2023 21 tweets 4 min read
Pre-school teacher Mirio that ends up bonding a lot with one of the kids on his charge. The kid's got a bit of an attitude, but he's well-behaved and really seems to like him- which is partly why he feels so guilty that he can't stop ogling over his dad. While Amajiki is late to pick up his kid every now and again, Mirio can see he's a pretty involved dad. He can see from the dark circles under his eyes that he's stressed, but the way his face lights up when he looks at his son lets him know they have something good.
Jul 9, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
Thinking about #haikaveh; specifically about Kaveh's birthday.

It rolls by without him even noticing; he's been so busy with work it's hardly a surprise. There's been no time to plan a celebration. It's okay, though — he'll just do something later.

Except he+ rolls out of bed the afternoon of his birthday after sleeping for more than two hours for the first time in the week to find the house decorated: balloons and a 'Happy Birthday ' sign in the living room and a cake covered in the kitchen. He's so surprised he stumbles a little+
May 21, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Thinking about Tamaki looking at Mirio as he sleeps, whispering he loves him.

He's said it maybe a handful of times over the course of their relationship. But he knows it's not enough: not for over ten years of friendship and almost four years dating. It's complicated. And Mirio must know that. Tamaki's family isn't like that — they don't /say/ they love each other. They do things: cook each other's favorite meals or pick up something someone else left on the corridor. Tamaki can remember his mother saying+
May 9, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
#Chubbunny a/b/o Bridgerton-esque AU where O!FG /really/ doesn't get Rumi has the hots for him.

FG never had much of an interest for high society's life anyways: he was happy living in the countryside enjoying the good life. Even when his aunt and uncle offered to sponsor+ him, he declined.

Finding himself at the capital is kind of annoying, but necessary. With his aunt sick, there's no omega to chaperone his cousins, which means befalls him; the family's "spinster."
Apr 24, 2023 25 tweets 5 min read
Thinking about MiriTama in middle school. And this weird afternoon where, as soon the bell rings, Mirio all but bolts out of the classroom.

Tamaki doesn't even get a word in — only the sight of Mirio's ponytail as he rushes to the door. And he sits there, dumbfounded, for a few+ minutes. His brain reeling, trying to figure out what could he possibly have done wrong.

Because Mirio and him always walk home together. /Always/. Ever since that day in third grade where Tamaki was transferred into Mirio's class. And Mirio has never just run out of nowhere.
Dec 18, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
I think a lot about Tamaki losing his mind over how much Mirio buffs up in UA, but lately I've been thinking about Mirio's reaction to Tamaki buffing up.

Tamaki is always covered heat to toe. Even when he is not, Mirio really didn't pay too much attention to his body. He+ thought he had him memorized: they had been sharing a changing room up until their last week of middle school.

He knew Tamaki was getting stronger. He knew he was also training very hard, yet somehow he hadn't fully grasped what that /meant/.
Dec 10, 2022 39 tweets 7 min read
cw// nsfw

A Christmas Carol but make it MiriTama and have the ghosts of Christmas past, present and future try to get Mirio out of his own self-imposed friend zone and convince him that Tamaki likes him.

Ghost of Christmas past takes him through all the sweet moments+ he and Tamaki have lived together, culminating on Christmas last year when Tamaki was about to confess and Mirio interrupted him with his "You're my best friend."
Dec 7, 2022 41 tweets 6 min read
Thinking of a #Seroroki Quirkless AU where Hanta and Shouto meet at a vacation resort — both of them there to attend their friends' wedding. They hook up on their second night, and decide they want to have a relationship back home. And it's great.

Until he sees Shouto's ex. (Hanta self-sabotaging bc insecurities. Jealousy.

cw// some angst, maybe nsfw)
Oct 9, 2022 22 tweets 4 min read
cw// a/b/o, nsfw

Alpha Mirio that laughs every time people say omegas and alphas can't be /just/ friends. But that's not true! Just look at Tamaki and him: they're just that, and they're the best of friends.

And Tamaki just nods, feeling like a hypocrite, because the only+ thing he's wanted since presenting has been Mirio's knot splitting him open.

He's always felt a little weird about Mirio; a little /too much/. He wanted to kiss him, to hold his hand, to be Mirio's /person/... But presenting added a whole new layer to his mess.
Sep 28, 2022 38 tweets 7 min read
Thinking about actor Tamaki. And Mirio. And how their relationship is going amazing. It's all great. Until it isn't.

Mirio isn't sure what the problem is. Lately, Tamaki is on edge — /twitchy/, in a way he doesn't think he's seen over the course of their relationship. He tries asking about it. And then Tamaki tells him he'll stop doing that — the twitching. He knows it looks weird. He's sorry he embarrassed him.

And Mirio has to interrupt him to tell him it wasn't that. He doesn't /embarrass/ him. He never could. But he's worried.
Sep 14, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
Thinking about MiriTama where they're both assigned to patrol a sports event, excited, because they rarely get to work together.

And then they're caught by the kiss cam.

Mirio starts to shake his head — a second before a hand closes on his suit and Tamaki pulls him in for+ a kiss.

The whole stadium seems to hold its breath for a second — or maybe Mirio's brain just crashes and takes that amount of time to reboot. The next thing he knows is that Tamaki is pulling back and the world is /loud/ around him, and his face feels hot.
Sep 2, 2022 17 tweets 4 min read
Seroroki sort of sugar dad//dy thing, with Shouto paying Hanta an insane amount of money for spending time with him. And it's great.

Hanta should've known it was too good to be true. But he didn't. Not until he found himself standing in Enji Todoroki's office. It's insane, really, how small this man can make him feel, even though he's standing while the man sits on a leather chair. Hanta is acutely aware of the bodyguards standing outside the door — the same that had dragged him all the way here.
Aug 27, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
Thinking about sloppy drunk Mirio telling a stranger at the bar about how /hard/ it is to pretend he's not in love with his best friend. He loves him, like /really/ loves him, like he wants to kiss him and hold him and hug him forever and he wishes he could stop his downwards+ spirals just by kissing him softly and telling him how amazing he is. Maybe then he'd believe him.

But he can't do that. It'd be a mess: he'd probably scare Tamaki away and things would /change/. And he doesn't know if his friend is ready for that. There's so much going on for+
Jul 13, 2022 9 tweets 2 min read
cw// nsfw

Fatgum waking up after a night of drinking. He's actually kind of surprised: it's the first time in years he isn't quite sure of what he did. There was something around his neck; and fingers curling on his hair and something soft and warm-

And then he sees /Mirko/ on+ his bed.

She's just /there/; body barely covered by a flimsy blanket that leaves nothing to imagination.

Toyomitsu's brain starts /reeling/. They were together at the bar — with a /bunch/ of other people. Rumi said something about his height. He laughed. She laughed. And then-