Anita James Profile picture
FEELING is the LANGUAGE that speaks to the DIVINE MATRIX (the Universe). FEEL as though your goal is ACCOMPLISHED and your prayer is already ANSWERED.💜

Apr 19, 2021, 6 tweets

Are you needing to up your laugh quotient for the week?
Look no further👇👇🙏🏻💖😉

I’m hoping these peeps are being funny on purpose but I’m just not too sure🤓🤓whatdaya think??? Cashier’s face👇

Notice she’s in da bag👇 WITH a mask on🥸

Whole Foods?👇

My goggles keep fogging up, can’t read my shopping list🤣
And those two nuts need more wine foh shuh😂

And..tah dahh...had to have a Walmart shopper entry, right?!

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