Anita James Profile picture
I holdOn2only☝️Trust sheNevahquits✨Unbridled2GetherForEvah✨ A lover wants only to be in love's presence, that ocean whose depth will never be known" Rumi 💜
4 subscribers
Apr 19, 2023 5 tweets 6 min read
This vid speaks to a topic long held in my high♥️
Observing this inverted matrix destruction of respect&support, empowering strong masculine energy in society-escalating destruction of balance&harmony btwn male&female in relationship it’s devastating our core family foundation.. ImageImageImage This is only part of a well-crafted &manufactured undermining, destabilization of healthy loVing partners-families-society creating physically-mentally ill men&women soon incapable of pro-creation as @elonmusk regularly posts. DIVINE loVe=our@answer🌟💜🌟… ImageImageImageImage
Apr 17, 2023 7 tweets 6 min read
Thank You each and all for this beautiful part of your day🥰
Will add more as they come🤩🙏🏻🙏🏻💜 ImageImageImageImage ImageImageImageImage
Apr 13, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
Love is the house of God and you are living in that house.
#FamilyIsEveryThing ImageImageImageImage #TeachYourChildrenToLoVe💜 ImageImageImageImage
Dec 14, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Death..a transfer station2another journey,
another dance in our Soul Evolution.
True Love~Transforming~Catalyzing2AHigher Plane,
A great gift from God 2know another soul as deep as our self. Here~It takes courage. Where we come from, it is as breathing💜

Not many here read threads..if you are here then nkow Spirit meant this msg for U thru me. True LoVe tests our Faith over&over. Step out of fear, Now.
they😇say, Receive God’s LoVe✨ then Be~GIVE~the loVeUSeek
In full measure✨💜
Oct 30, 2022 9 tweets 8 min read
Art Walk..calls to her soul
This day...
#1 Her💜 #2 Her
Aug 8, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
🦁 Lion's Gate 8-8-8 (Doves)
Embrace stillness..
🕊 Doves represent communication with one's own intuition and the emotional language of others to find inner balance, healing, peace, and joy..💜in meditation this morn, heard a loud BOOM and nkew a bird, large by the sound.. Had crashed against front porch wdw ..HARD💥 I went out, found her on sidewalk, neck broken~breath gone. I have spcl decals on window but apparently need2replace w/new ones. grabbed a soft towel, gathered her in my arms&sat on the porch sobbing. We Came in to find😇msg✨
Aug 7, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
Aug 6, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Jun 29, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
✨ ♥️♾♥️✨
As we grow in our soul
And wizdom blooms in our heart,
Pain from past love
Fades softly into the twilight
Until all pain is gone, only love abides
Building a home within us
For All still to be,
Meant for thee💜 ImageImageImage #FunNeverGrowsOld♥️ ImageImageImageImage
May 17, 2022 5 tweets 4 min read
Excellent Thread..Ty Will Harrity ++
Durham sez.. My Turn Now💥💥💥…
May 7, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Was forewarned these energies were stirring DivFem2speak truth stronger..2move from feeling2action~ready2go forward w/intention. This fren msg urged response so here we go..
“Everyone on Twitt ( women mostly) seem obsessed wTF Shite.”
Reply:I’m quite grounded in my nkowing of TF, Purpose &power in this Aquarian Age. Beyond “romantic babbletyBooP” bandied around the Internet, Twin Souls hold the blueprint &divine mission to lead the way out of inverted, perverted matrix love. The indoctrination programmed in this 3D game is so NOT the love We ARE. SimGame!
May 3, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Msgs flowing like💧
This from a dear psychic friend last nite..
LoVe is in the air..the foundation4all we🐝
The 2nd page compilation of msgs from
Others to her, taking her deeper within,
2KNOW the self message on 3rd page😉
4Him2DeclareHis♥️🪶🌹 Image ImageImageImageImage
May 1, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
j'aime éternellement.
♾🌌🎆🌠 ImageImageImageImageImage
Mar 20, 2022 5 tweets 5 min read
This joined a divine loVe flow thru her channel this day but needed some time to percolate as the message was to not rush it.
Ty @_L_0_0_P_ for the art inspiration as Alwaze😉let’s see where this goes🥰
Immediately heard Div Fem CREATION, WOMB
Fire, Light, Heat, Life
💜 Due to societal judgements &programming, our most natural divine feminine energies have been deeply suppressed~ disconnected from integrating fully in harmony with our physical~spiritual~emotional bodies. Confused&abused, blocked&ignored, our prana suffers as does our vital flow.
Mar 17, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Nonstick Soul Flow #3- Crow outside calling to me jus now💜

Human Law is not the same as Sacred Law or Universal Law. The law which states, “all things are born of Women” is of Universal Law. Crow Medicine has come today, its appearance is an omen. Crow Medicine is an answer. Image As you learn to allow your personal integrity to be your guide, your sense of feeling alone will vanish🌟Your personal will can then emerge so that you will stand in your truth.💜 Image
Mar 15, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
Funny how Universe invites introspection when a topic comes forward..then provides many answers to delite her soul😉
1st Answer: to use energy within&without ~to change the world for the better, highest good🌟to honor, celebrate Eartha, the God&Goddess in loVe, my darling🙏🏼🌟💜 ImageImageImageImage It was this that said to share answers to his question-jus popped in..synchros😇 What images comes to mind when you hear the word "witch"?
For photographer Katarzyna Majak, her vision involved a deformed creature with a black hat..… Image
Mar 14, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
There needs be no fear
When He is accepted, received and heard
In our♥️of♥️s.
WWJD..we walk in his footsteps, practice and share
His teachings and ways
For others to choose as they will.
We are His Light, our Lord and King of Kings.
Through us his word shall never die🌟💜🌟🙏🏼😇 ImageImageImage Image
Mar 2, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Good Morning, Familia🥰
They😇say some one or two may need this today..
Pisces ♓️ emotions in big play right now..
Gentle reminders~
1. Acknowledge and feel it to Heal it..let it flow through you- don’t attach to those feelings in this now..honor the child that feels them.. Image The broken heart your teenager self suffered, the other lovers who came&went making way&means to get Here-Now to what’s coming for You♥️
2. This healing DOESNT HAVE2B Painful! It can🐝very sweet and warming if you set that intention and let your inner child sit in yr lap to be.. Image
Feb 19, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Theme Now~UNIVERSAL AWARENESS🌟in convo w/God yesterday re Canada..the ONENESS OF ALL shone thru..What I Do to You, my Brother~I Do to Myself🌟Msg from Pleiadians, our “observing duality longing for Oneness of Light, Smile~realize our Connection to Everything to Create in…Light” We ARE emerging as" Homo Luminoso"~Luminous Angelic Human/New Earth Human🌟we feel
All of these speak to choosing NOW TO LEAVE BEHIND the duality~polarity dance we’ve been stuck in, FOR UNITY🌟
We’ve been aware for some time& the split into 2 timelines will occur in a BLINK💥
Feb 17, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Feb 17, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Nudged to share as Full Moon energies call to many who may be ready for this healing ❤️‍🩹work😇…