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Fine Art equines Fashion stylist/sustainability consultant #Welsh w/c Newport HorseRacing Libertarian 💜🙂 AntiGlobalist Pr: Us v Them 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏇🐏👠🌸

Apr 19, 2021, 29 tweets

@HamlettClaire Factory farms tends to be chickens & pigs,NOT sheep & cattle. Av herd size cattle even lower than sheep dairy 143 & beef much lower. NOT factory farmed. You believe this because twats like BBC & pseudoscience & media funded by Gates & Wellcome, & vegan & adventist 'scientists' &

@HamlettClaire the reason crap like the Bonin doc and Blue Peter had to back down is they were presented with actual FACTS, and thorough debunking of claims. We will NOT be letting them rest at that either because the @BBC & @BBCNews & @CBBC now have a DUTY to put the record straight. One of

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc the main reason the accountancy re climate change & livestock is FRAUDULENT, is because there is no accountancy of co produce. This MATTERS. So eg this sheepskin fur coat still in use lessening reliance on fossil fuel heat for 82 YEARS, made 1939 sheep fed 2k people at time, and

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc produced c 30-80 wool garments some likely still existence doing same, also saved landfill crap alternative synthetics & useless insulation cotton(wiped out 24 species 20 yrs Aral sea depriving people of food source/livelihood too; fed nobody . Thread HERE

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc Globally same story re livelihoods and co produce, AND the BEST biodiversity record next to crops, which do not produce food & clothing etc, and whose oil crops like palm need extra land & resources. Judge for yourself READ these cos I ain't repeating myself

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc Texas: where are the cougar dancing round f****** Kansas with Dorothy? NO: Kansas number 1 crop state cougar extinct; Texas no 1 cattle state prolific. Oh so maybe it's Brazil right Errrrr..NO.....again that was a load of demonstrable CRAP from the BBC, and even the WWF

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc used to know it before they were corrupted by WEF money & became ecofascists. 90% Brazil's cattle are PASTURE fed too, and WERE regarded before the WEF stitch up as an asset to conservation. Yes, cattle go in to trample & fertilize but the deforestation done for LAND SPECULATION

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc usually soya. Ah but but soya feed for cattle right? WRONG AGAIN; another demonstrable lie form Bonin & Beeb, and one that not even Gates funded anti meat World in Data can cover up: your pets eat as much! Sustainable Food Trust also proved this wrong, showing 63% of soya is for

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc human use in the UK so vegans contribute to that deforestation more than cattle/sheep. As of course was always the intent: the Nazis were the ones who came up both with soya for human food AND bonkers & false rewilding ideas: still more bear/wolf slav lands than Germany. So what

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc are all these crops grown for feed all about? Well, MOST livestock feed in PASTURE/hay, and waste crops. IF you ever see a broccoli in its natural state then consider where all those leaves & stalks go. Most of you people don't even have a clue what it looks like. So most of the

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc crops fed to livestock are WASTE, as the FAO showed in their study last year. There is NO disputing this these are actual FACTS. cgiar.org/news-events/ne…
So what about those pigs eh? Well, again intensive pig farming is actually a RESULT of monocrop farming precisely because of

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc the colossal waste. Not even Oatly a vegan brand, could hide that they sold their COLOSSAL waste as pig feed. Any CLUE what 8k tonnes of waste fibre looks like? That is useless to humans? So factory farming exists BECAUSE of corporate crops. But then, there is the soya imported

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc soya for Chinese pig feed. Fair cop (well not really -wait for it). BUT when the ACTUAL F*** has anybody in the UK eaten Chinese pigs? So, WHY do they need all that fee for pigs? BECAUSE, they are losing PASTURE at rate of 1.5 million hectares (not far off size of Wales) a YEAR,

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc and with it the kind of biodiversity re Mongolian infographic, for INDUSTRIALZATION for MASS TAT by the SAME WEF corporate crooks who rae funding the fraudulent narrative against meat! You can't make it up! It's a MASSIVE CON & diversion. About as green as the CCP's flag. Look

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc at the hypocrisy and greenwash involved - a pr leather shoes, you know from CATTLE same source as meat, last 20 yrs inc repairs MINIMUM (underestimate massively imho) 100 kgs emissions. Pr trainers last 6 months 35kgs so you need 40 prs which = 1.3 tonnes MORE. When I said

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc understimate re leather I wasn't kidding either. My gf has 1940s & 50s prs, and I had same net ripper football boots (& ball incidentally leather & pigs bladder not like modern vinyl crap) that were my dads & his before me. & my riding boots are 1920s Czech cavalry similar these

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc but even tat massive con re fashion, & n f***** walking landfills like Monbiot going to tell me what sustainable as I've 40 yrs experience climbing over discarded clothing rescuing anything decent. H&M working with WWF & part of fast fashion that broke durabilty: NERVE of it

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc responsible for that mass tat in landfills (do people not realise there will NO North Face or H&M Nike etc vintage 70 yrs down line its all landfill bound little can be recycled & excuses it's production) that doesn't keep you warm makes you sweat need constant washing again

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc and not only working with WEF funded WWF ecofascist thugs to stitch up indigenous people, & propagating PATENTLY FALSE lies masquerading as science re meat, BUT ALSO being direct cause of destruction of Chinese pastures thus reliance on the soya imports!!!

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc Now of course you can't make wool computers. But, inbuilt obsoletion business model of tech also contributes MORE than ag which FEEDS thus more important. So calculated each person UK discards 24kg tech annually. Laptop weighing 2kg is 400kg of emissions. pressreader.com/uk/daily-mail/…

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc Moreover, this NOT average citizen at that level so another way data can be warped. Biggest culprits both big corporates & public sector, so again much of that comes down to WEF shits not people constantly upgrading & able to set it against their budgets & tax deductions. When

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc the NHS eg updated their computer systems thousands of EXCEPTIONAL hardware was discarded. I salvaged one from a skip had it 12 yrs: they couldn't install 'updates' designed to screw your computer. So I think, if you consider all the green spivvery for new emissions costs, while

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc arguably wind turbines, e cars, etc may save in long run, combined with all those computers this is a FAR greater contributor to emissions and atm all driving that Chinese coal use, mining, AND SOYA USE.

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc So, here's Mr Gates corrupting 'science' and media with his narratives not just on 'food systems' (a corporatist word there is NO SUCH THING human consumerism needs to be seen as a whole then pasture livestock go to top of league re sustainability) & those

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc with their snouts in his personal trough that (at same time causing mass disillusionment with science cos people can see its a con) on various agendas that suit him, who are NOT TO BE TRUSTED

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc and here are the filthy Wellcome organisation, also part of the WEF, and their network of vipers. Do NOT trust.

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc Then there is funder of the WWF, Jeremy Grantham, also WEF, corporatist elitist Malthusian who thinks Africa 'overopulated' and invested in wood while paying lackey scientists & activist idiots to spew drivel about sheep etc

@HamlettClaire @BBC @BBCNews @cbbc It is Corporatism, using climate & environment biodiversity climate & health considered better in hands of Corporate power than people. Tried before it didn't exactly make world a better place. Was called Fascism then, look it up, and wtf up if you care


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