Erin Gallagher Profile picture - independent researcher. previously: @TaSCResearch

Apr 19, 2021, 6 tweets

Heads up on this unreleased report that Yahoo News got advanced access to... there's no way to confirm where an administrator is located (not via OSINT data and not via CrowdTangle) and there's quite a huge caveat that their methods of ID'ing admins are not “an exact science”

This claim also seems 1. wrong 2. impossible to confirm or falsify and 3. extremely irresponsible to put in any report

I hesitate to even link to the article. A former State Department official is one of the authors of the (currently unreleased) report from the Soufan Center.

Analysis was done by a *for-profit* agency called Limbik that uses proprietary tools/methods

They're "a full-service Data Studio" doing what they call "Content Science' to "create, develop and distribute video content." (sounds like digital marketing IDK)

Oh the report has since been released - it's 45 pages

"not an exact science" 🙄 news outlets need to really interrogate this methodology before repeating any claims made in this report

Wow hello @ZcohenCNN please see above thread for serious issues in methodology of the report you just published about. Also, in what universe is 1/5 of any activity a majority?

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