Gareth Dennis Profile picture
Rail engineer and writer. Hosts @Railnatter. Associate @OpenInnovates. Lecturer @BCRRE/@PWInstitution. Co-founder @LevelBoarding. Chair @RailEngineers. He/him.

Apr 20, 2021, 7 tweets

This is my heaven.

Let the train take the strain... With bonus heritage traction thrown in for good measure.

Key question: will the yaw dampers fall off and bop me on the nose? Secondary question: will it burst into flames unprompted?

Here's a view inside an empty freight train:

Here's a view of the top of another freight train:

Here's a twin-track cantilever, a single track cantilever and copious volumes of new, GRP/walkable troughing route for @25kV and general E&P/S&T nerds:

Anyway, cheerio from Colton, a.k.a. my therapists chair 🖖

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