TfTHacker - Exploring Tools for Thought and PKM Profile picture
Exploring Tools for Thought & PKM, with a focus on Obsidian, Readwise & others.

Apr 20, 2021, 10 tweets

1/ There is a lot of talk about roam/js and security concerns. Frankly, these issues exist from the first day Roam introduced roam/js. It boils down to trust. Do you trust the plugin author or not? There are some very good plugin authors who deserve your trust. #roam

2/ One of them is @dvargas92495, founder of What many don't know is that Dave and I have collaborated since last summer. While we have gone different paths, we frequently talk about Roam and how to solve problems. I have always valued his advice.

3/ Dave is a very experienced software dev with an amazing vision for developing & supporting open source. His site focuses on Roam & is a living proof his concept works. is the biggest and most complete collection of roam plugins.

4/ He has developed a wide range of tools that solve specific requests of Roam users. It is hard to pick favorites, because there are so many good tools: attribute tables, filter embeds, mindmap, presentation, query builder & serendipity. Oh, I just scratched the surface.

5/ All these extensions are available for free and as open source for you to extend. Regarding trust, I have been through the code. What I see is solid engineering practices, good use of third party resources, and code that I trust.

6/ David sets development priorities based on community feedback and funding. He doesn't ask for much, and gives a lot. You can help with a small contribution and influence the direction of his work at

7/ Additionally he has started to branch out into commercial services that provide real value add to the roam experience.

8/ Bottom line, running external code is a risk and requires a lot of trust. Dave has been at this since August of last year and there isn't even one recorded incident of foul play. This is benefit of open source. Everything is available for review.

9/ But the real value is that David's DM is open on twitter & he is active on slack. I have seen him many times spend hours with users solve issues. Additionally, he is quick to fix bugs (usually within hours of being reported). He takes responsibility for his work.

10/ I use services, I have audited his code, and worked with him. I trust him and have no issue recommending him to you. Visit and give some of his plugins a trial run. If you have concerns, reach out to David directly.

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