TfTHacker - Exploring Tools for Thought and PKM Profile picture
Exploring Tools for Thought & PKM, with a focus on Obsidian, Tana, Readwise & others.
Jeremy Pinnix ☧ Profile picture Objectively Random Profile picture elty.eth Profile picture mike norrie Profile picture Maleph Profile picture 26 subscribed
Jul 6 8 tweets 3 min read
1/8 I have been reflecting on my decades of use of GTD. The biggest issue I always had with it:
🔄 a dislike of the weekly review while ironically at the same time greatly appreciate it
➕ and, even more importantly, is incorporating long-term vision and life's priorities. Image 2/8 I have to admit that I initially thought GTD could not help with vision & alignment. However, after reevaluating the system, I have to say that the Horizons of Focus do a good job of helping to establish vision, goals, roles, projects, and actions. 🚀🎯👍 Image
Feb 24 9 tweets 3 min read
1/9 Nested tags in #Obsidian allow you to organize your notes with more granularity. Use a format like `#project/subproject` to categorize notes within broader topics. This structure makes it easier to manage and navigate through related notes. #TfT Image 2/9 To create a nested tag, add a forward slash between levels (e.g., `#book/chapter1`). This method helps you keep topics neatly organized and logically grouped within your personal knowledge base.
Jan 28 7 tweets 3 min read
1/7 The winners of the 2023 Obsidian Gems of the Year were announced on the official Obsidian Blog .

The list of winners and runners-up is worth reviewing, as you are likely to find exciting solutions you were not aware of.
#TfT #Obsidian #ObsidianMD…
Image 2/7 In summary, 280+ solutions were recommended by the community for six categories: (1) best new plugin, (2) best new theme, (3) best existing plugin, (4) best tool, (5) best community content, and (6) best template.
Jan 10 11 tweets 5 min read
1/11 Super-thread: Resources for the Obsidian Plugin Development

I want to share my "GOTO" bookmarks for developing in Obsidian and why they are very helpful.

If you have useful Obsidian developer links, please tack them onto this thread. Image 2/11 Obsidian Developer Documentation

This is the official developer documentation from the Obsidian developer team. It is full of helpful material and is actively maintained.

Here you will learn the basics of building plugins and API technical details.
Jan 6 7 tweets 2 min read
1/7 Why do some find note-taking to be challenging? 😕

It may be they have not developed the necessary skills or strategies to do it effectively. With practice and the right techniques, anyone can improve their note-taking abilities and become a more effective learner. 👍 Image 2/7 Another challenge in note-taking could be a lack of consistency. People often only take notes during lectures or meetings but forget to do so during personal study time. This can lead to gaps in knowledge and missed opportunities for retention.
Dec 10, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 🆘 HelpMate 🆘 - my newest Obsidian plugin is now available

This plugin is all about making Obsidian easier to learn.

HelpMate adds the help of Obsidian, plugins, and themes directly into the UI of Obsidian. #TfT…
Image 2/4 The benefit is users can find documentation for features in the context of their work in Obsidian. This should help when stepping through something new or complicated.
Dec 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/4 🆘 HelpMate 🆘 - my newest Obsidian plugin is now available

This plugin is all about making Obsidian easier to learn.

HelpMate adds the help of Obsidian, plugins, and themes directly into the UI of Obsidian. #TfT…
Image 2/4 The benefit is users can find documentation for features in the context of their work in Obsidian. This should help when stepping through something new or complicated.
Nov 25, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6 HelpMate for Obsidian - ready for testing

With this year's Obsidian October, I started work on my newest plugin, which is now ready for beta testing. Read on to learn more.

It is my attempt to bring Obsidian's help into the Obsidian UI, but not just Obsidian's help. #TfT Image 2/6 As you can see in the screenshot, HelpMate is a sidepane showing help for Obsidian inside Obsidian. It simply displays the help website for Obsidian, but it is much more convenient to have it in Obsidian. Read, learn, and apply.

But it isn't limited to Obsidian Help.
Nov 22, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
1/10 OpenAi announced that their ChatGPT with Voice is available to all free users. 📢

I have to tell you, I have been using this in ChatGPT Plus over the last month, which is amazing. 😍

Let me tell you how I use it as a Tool for Thought. 💡 2/10 @tylerwince told me that something funny happens when you engage with AI using text, and he is so right. 😄

Speaking is a much more natural way for us to interact when compared to writing text. 🗣️
Nov 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
1/5 🎉 Exciting News! Introducing Canvas Candy, the game-changing toolkit designed exclusively for canvas in Obsidian! Upgrade your canvas boards like never before! 🚀

Follow the thread for a %25 discount. #TfT 2/5 ✨ With over 40+ decorations, you can now:

- Customize borders & backgrounds 🎨
- Create unique stickers 🌟
- Add headers & footers 📝
- Rotate cards and more! 🔃

Your canvas, your rules! 🛠️ Image
Jul 29, 2023 11 tweets 5 min read
1/11 Super-thread: Resources for the Obsidian Plugin Development

I want to share my "GOTO" bookmarks for developing in Obsidian and why they are very helpful.

If you have useful Obsidian developer links, please tack them onto this thread. Image 2/11 Obsidian Developer Documentation

This is the official developer documentation from the Obsidian developer team. It is full of helpful material and is actively maintained.

Here you will learn the basics of building plugins and API technical details.
Jun 21, 2023 9 tweets 3 min read
1/9 OBSIDIAN BOOK Super-Thread

I was surprised to see many books on Amazon related to Obsidian. It is nice to see options available in eBook and printed form for new Obsidian users, or users looking to go further. Here is a list of those books.

Do you know of others?

#TfT 2/9 How to Take Smart Notes in Obsidian Beginner to Advance Techniques: Templates, Tagging, Folding, Embedding, digital Zettelkasten and Mind Mapping with Canvas Plugin

by Fiola Publishing
Apr 3, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
1/7 I am coming up on my two-year anniversary with @obsdmd.

I have to admit, I didn't think then I would stick with it for more than a few months, but I was wrong. Let me highlight a few things that have kept me with Obsidian. #TfT 2/7 Markdown

I now get the markdown religion. The nature of simple text file keeps things flexible and easy to work with. Plus future safe. I have found this useful many more times than I anticipated.

Learn more about Obsidian's design principles here:…
Apr 1, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
1/5 I have started work to give my Obsidian plugins some love, starting with BRAT. This is the Beta Reviewer's Auto-update Tool for @obsdmd.

It helps with installing, testing, and updating plugins under development. #TfT #Obsidian… 2/5 It is a tool for side-loading plugins that are in development. It helps developers diagnose issues with their plugins and get feedback from testers.

The challenge with Obsidian is for many users it's a painful process to install a plugin manually, BRAT makes it easy.
Mar 16, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
1/7 Artificial Intelligence - a mixed bag

As with the rest of the planet, I am experimenting with AI and while I am excited about it, there is a need for great caution with it.

It is easy to fall under its spell as if it's smarter than it really is. #TfT 2/7 Don't get me wrong, I am not saying AI isn't good. I have been using GitHub's CoPilot for some time and it is amazing.

chatGPT has also been excellent at helping with generating code or understanding code.

chatGPT has also been useful for the general exploration of topics.
Mar 14, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
1/6 This interview with @kepano CEO of @obsdmd was excellent. I love how centered the company is on its vision. Here are some interesting thoughts from this interview. #TfT… 2/6 The most interesting detail was the estimated number of Obsidian users:

Obsidian company has no way of knowing for sure the number of users, but they estimate based on a number of known factors that their user base be at least about a:

MILLION users!! Mind-blowing!!
Feb 15, 2023 14 tweets 5 min read

I have to say, in the last few years, I have subscribed to many more tools and services that ever before.

While all the fees related to subscriptions are justifiable, I have to admit they really add up with time.

Let us talk about this. #TfT 2/14 First, I believe in supporting companies & content creators.

Its not fair to expect them to create, advance & maintain stuff we use every day & to do so for free.

Nothing is really free. While it might be free to use, it costs someone & without support, it can't last.
Jan 25, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/2 The End of Organizing by @danshipper. A great read about the future of our notes & AI.

Whether AI solves significant issues with long-term use of our notes is still to be seen, Dan makes good points about how our current approach can fail us. #TfT… 2/4 This article outlines how AI models like GPT-3 can be used to simplify the process of organizing notes. These models can automatically tag and link notes, enrich notes as they're written, and synthesize them into research reports.
Jan 15, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
1/3 So, I want to delete my @LastPass account, and they have a way to do that. But some users can't delete their accounts and get this message.

Helpful right? Error with no message. 2/3 So I emailed tech support, hoping they would fix it. I got back a survey that is so long & complicated. Also, this is mostly information already stolen by hackers after their big hack... not sure why I need to provide the info to them; they already have it (note the sarcasm)
Jan 13, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
1/12 My January deep dive into @logseq continues, & I am more impressed with it each day. In this report, I share some of those highlights, along with some concerns.

I have a personal preference for Outliners, and if you are the same, Logseq is worth trying. 2/12 The mobile outliner works well. Yesterday I was at a meeting for 1.5 hours, taking notes on my iPhone 13 mini. Not a great form factor, but to my surprise, it worked well. Better than Obsidian mobile.

I think outliners with blocks have an advantage on mobile for notetaking.
Dec 25, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
1/12 Bye Bye LastPass - Experimental strategy to replace Lastpass


As a long-time LastPass user, I see the product quality has dropped in recent years, & now with how they have handled breaches, I decided to move on. 2/12 There are many very good options out there, too many too numbers (examples: @Bitwarden @1Password @dashlane)

A few issues I have with these tools:
+ Cost for family subscription over next 10 to 20 years is not cheap
+ What happened to Lastpass could happen to them