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Blue Sky

Apr 20, 2021, 9 tweets

1/ For those who were not available for the presentation here is my slides and some comments. Link to the presentation is here

2/ as it stands I have found QAnon communities in 85 countries. Now there is no exact science to this as attribution via social media data is extremely unreliable. (anyone who say otherwise is lying)

3/ The way I evaluate this is based on if QAnon content is translated into foreign languages, is QAnon content adapted to local socio-political contexts, are adherents adapting and manipulating QAnon narratives to fit their context,etc.

4/ OSINT and qualitative evaluation of QAnon communities on Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, Gab, Parler, TikTok, YouTube, Rumble, Bitchute, etc etc. since 2017 are how I cam to this number.

5/ The pandemic played an important role in QAnon transnational growth. Though QAnon was international before this, the pandemic affected everyone at the same time. To that end it provided an opportunity for QAnon to spread, most of that occurred outside the US>

6/ This snapshot from @crowdtangle I have shared in the past show how the Pandemic boosted , membership in QAnon groups and Pages

7/ @JordanWildon was kind enough to help me out with some data from his personal work on German QAnon. Though there is a dip in activity post Biden inauguration and Jan 6, there has been an uptake in QAnon channels on Telegram as narratives and tropes have adapted to the pandemic

8/ In regards to transnational community building the deplatforming of QAnon and other actors onto dozens of alt-tech platforms does create an opportunity for transnational communities to be built around specific topics and grievences.

9/ These are just some examples of QAnon mobilization outside of the US, though there are plenty more that I could have included.

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