Crab Man Profile picture
used to work at @TPostMillennial NEWs and politics. FIND ME A JOB. Also, go to church on Sunday.

Apr 21, 2021, 32 tweets



this is actually where we’re at right now in society

"BLM sends protesters to LA Mayor’s home after Chauvin verdict"…

Replies 👑

It’s beliefs like THAT, that screw up our society.

"Simon & Schuster rejects employees' call to drop Pence book deal"…

Someone on Twitter said this, and that’s my neutral description.

(Context: Former President Bush used the false pretense of WMDs to invade Iraq)

DOJ launches inquiry into Minneapolis police operations, a day after Chauvin guilty verdicts

COLUMBUS area last night: "Demonstrators pushing past police lines and police cars retreating. No use of force." -- via

> "Unarmed"
But also she had a knife.

It's details like this which REALLY REALLY matter when it comes to trying to have a public "dialogue" or whatever.

> "Logical Force"

The Chauvin jury went into their deliberations having very likely heard about: the $27 million dollar settlement, intimidation of one of the defense witnesses, and the comments of Maxine Waters threatening further confirmation if the "wrong" verdict came back.

"Chauvin verdicts reduce pressure for police reform"…

Random observation but over the last few months I think both Bitchute and Odysee have solidified themselves as proper viable YouTube alternatives.

At least in the sense that their situation seems stable.

(Context: Fisher plays Cyborg in Justice League and he’s been outspoken about poor treatment that occurred while filming)

A very glowing description by Twitter

The officer saved someone else's life from death in the process.

Their life mattered too.

I just rewatched the bodycam footage to be sure: and it shows that Bryant was going to stab that chick in the pink jumpsuit

BREAKIN' NEWS: @stillgray policed for wrong think in Chauvin trial verdict.

🚨🚨🚨IRONY: BLM says Biden is worse than Trump

NEWS: Civility isn't dead on Twitter. I never met @kidd_loco21 before. Some random BLM activist.

Me and him had polar opposite stances regarding the Makhia Bryant situation.

But at the end we actually had a nice talk and saw each other's viewpoints.

I appreciate that.

NEWS: @DrKarlynB got an FBI visit over two sarcastic January 6th tweets

"The Postal Service is running a 'covert operations program' that monitors Americans' social media posts"…

Ok let me tweet that again.

Remember how people were worried the January 6th Capitol riot *would be use as an EXCUSE FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO BECOME A SURVEILLANCE STATE*?

🚨🚨That’s what this story shows is NOW HAPPENING HERE IN AMERICA.…



"REPORT: Hollywood Foreign Press Association Member Removed From Board After Calling BLM A ‘Racist Hate Movement’"…

Columbus cops release HD bodycam footage of Ma'Khia Bryant incident.

Just in case anyone didn't understand that Bryant was wielding a knife? here's the knife.

How clear can I make this for everyone to see

"More people are starting to gather tonight. There are a lot of chants of “say her name,” “Ma’Khia Bryant,” and “16.”" -- via

Let's keep it moving.

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