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🪶 Writer. 📌 Lay Historian. 😊 Excitable. ツ FRGS See also @NewsOfTheWar - and

Apr 21, 2021, 10 tweets

Another 🚨🌍map klaxon🌍🚨, this time as part of the 664th Engineer Topographic Company's work, mapping movements through Bastogne (that's "BastooOOOoone" in #wehaveways) running right through from 19 to 31 December 1944.

(Found in an odd folder. I'd forgotten about these.)

Bastogne, 20th December...

Bastogne, 21st December...

Bastogne, 22nd December...

Bastogne, 23rd December...

Bastogne, 24th December...

Bastogne, 25th December...

Bastogne, 26th December...

Bastogne, 27th through to the 31st December ...

- and a gratuitous shot of the 101st Airborne, which was in the same folder.

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