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Apr 22, 2021, 8 tweets

It is now 28 years since Stephen Lawrence was killed in a racist attack in London. To mark #StephenLawrenceDay, here is a thread of his brother Stuart’s (@sal2nd) top five books about race and racism, to help you educate yourself and your family.…

#StephenLawrenceDay Book 1: Black and British by @DavidOlusoga
“All the stuff that we think that we know about British history has other layers to it. And this book allows us to talk about that.”…

#StephenLawrenceDay Book 2: This Book Is Anti-Racist by @tiffanymjewell
“This book is a great way to get young people to understand that it’s okay to talk about these issues. And if you don’t know something, it’s okay to learn about stuff as well.”…

#StephenLawrenceDay Book 3: Amazing Grace by Mary Hoffman
“This is one of the first books about children of colour that I could find to talk about. I remember my mum buying this for my sister, so this is quite a personal book to me.”…

#StephenLawrenceDay Book 4: Dream Big! Heroes Who Dared to be Bold by Sally Morgan
“This book talks about fearless people who have stood up and put themselves out to be counted. It was really inspiring to see a book that shows different representation in a positive light.”

#StephenLawrenceDay Book 5: Stories for Boys Who Dare to be Different by @ben_brooks
"Any book that I want you to talk about around race, equality, diversity, inclusion has to celebrate being different. Those differences make the world so much more beautiful & a better place."

Stuart Lawrence’s own book - Silence is Not an Option: You Can Impact the World for Change - is out now.
Watch the video of him talking about the books he chose here:…

Stuart Lawrence also recently spoke to The Big Issue about why it is important for us to continue remembering his brother Stephen, #BlackLivesMatter, and his frustration with the Met police.
Read the interview:…

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