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Father of two, @heidiscruz's husband, fighter for liberty. Representing the great state of Texas in the U.S. Senate.

Apr 22, 2021, 8 tweets

Democrats are pushing to upend the country by packing #SCOTUS to cement their radical agenda.

At stake: free speech, religious liberty, the Bill of Rights, & an independent judiciary. 

It’s not just Republicans who oppose packing the Court, only 43% of Dem voters support it.


Despite widespread opposition, Democrats in DC are moving full steam ahead with their terrible idea.

Instead of politicizing the Supreme Court to ram through their extreme agenda, Democrats should listen to Joe Biden's own previous warnings about packing the court.


In 1983, Joe Biden called FDR's move to pack the Supreme Court a “bonehead idea. It was a terrible, terrible mistake to make & it put in question there for an entire decade the independence of [#SCOTUS].”

Biden, listen to 1983 Biden.


Biden should also listen to 2005 Biden when he praised Democrats for standing up to FDR’s 1937 plan to pack the Supreme Court: “In an act of great courage, Roosevelt’s own party stood up against this institutional power grab.”


Even as recently as 2019, Biden said, “I would not get into court packing. We add three justices, next time around we lose control, they add three justices. We begin to lose any credibility the court has.”


Biden was on to something when he said in 2019, “No, I’m not prepared to go on and try to pack the court, because we’ll live to rue that day.”


It's not just Biden who warned about packing the court.

In 2019, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg: “9 seems to be a good number... I think it was a bad idea when [FDR] tried... If anything would make the court appear partisan it would be [packing the court].”

She was right.


And earlier this year, Justice Stephen Breyer criticized court packing and said #SCOTUS “is guided by legal principle, not politics. Structural alteration motivated by the perception of political influence can only feed that latter perception, further eroding that trust.”

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