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Apr 22, 2021, 5 tweets

Listening to BBC world service on the death of the president of Chad who died on the frontline this week, anchor asked guest “but where are these rebels coming from? who is supplying these arms?” “many appear to have fought with General Hifter in Libya who also supplied weapons”

[name has various spellings in English print media Hifter/Haftar/Hiftar] New York Times bloodthirsty for “scalps” as usual, looks like the Obama program is back in play.

First the west trains you, then they use you, then when they’re done with you they kill you. From an Iraqi exile visiting the Cairo CIA office, to a young Saudi with bulldozers who built Khost tunnel complexes, and a bright & ambitious young Libyan officer being trained in the UK

As “one-time CIA asset” General Hifter gained power in Libya after returning from exile, billions of dollars went missing & money started appearing all over the continent in Red Cross bins, then Hifter’s private jet began criss-crossing the European banking centers and Venezuela

Because Venezuela was supposed to be under sanctions & flight trackers kept noticing the unusual paths the UN was forced to investigate & the US made a statement. However, the US and EU were also under suspicion for anomalies in the $60 Billion+ in Libyan assets they had frozen

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