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A boring person who likes stuff. This year’s themes: Dragon Ball, Kinnikuman, Avan

Apr 22, 2021, 15 tweets

Age 734, again: long after subjugating the Saiyans, Cold decides to retire so he can spend more time with his family: his wife (who may not exist), elder son (not canon), younger son (who hates him) and grandson (also not canon). Yes, Cold Castle is a lonely place #HistoryofEver

Speaking of non-canon children: shorty after meeting the new boss (same as the old boss), King Vegeta is appalled to find Broly in the elite capsule chamber. Who let this kid into the main continuity?!

King Vegeta’s concern is that Broly might outstrip his own son, beating him to the punch in the race to become the legendary Super Saiyan. After all, there’s only one of those per millennium. They don’t hand them out in bargain sales!

There’s only one solution: exile Broly to the inimical dwarf planet Vampa and hope he dies there before he can be the star of any future DB movies. But Paragus has his own plans...

Cold’s existence is first alluded to during the early stages of Goku and Freeza’s fight, when Freeza claims Goku is the first person to ever get dust on him “before my parent(s)”. Does this refer to child abuse, training, or some combination of the two?

(As with Kami recounting his backstory to Popo, the word in question here is 親/oya, parent. While Viz translates it as plural, due to the ambiguities of Japanese it could be intended as singular. Toriyama’s comments leave open the idea that Cold produced Freeza asexually)

Of course, Freeza claims in Resurrection “F” that he was such a prodigy that he achieved his Namek arc power without ever training. Maybe Cold tried training him once, but he got all dusty and swore never to do it again?

Cold’s Daizenshuu 7 bio describes him as keeping to the shadows in Freeza’s organization, his existence known only to his family and direct subordinates. Obviously this is hard to square with the DBS: Broly version of things, where he ruled openly pre-Freeza.

(You could say that his existence became secret after his retirement, but even then, his Daizenshuu 7 bio specifically says not even the Ginyu Force know about him, while in DBS: Broly they’re standing right behind him. Are their memories as bad as Lemo’s?)

According to DBS: Broly, Freeza meets the Saiyans five years before the destruction of Planet Vegeta...and also “41 years ago”, although this part must surely be a mistake, likely intended to refer to the destruction of Planet Vegeta segment instead. But more on that in due time.

As we see from the film, scouters replace an older, similar item used by the Saiyans, the scout scopes. These lack the handy “stick to one ear” technology of scouters, a feature which also still eludes modern Earth science, despite the best efforts of cosplayers over the years

Toriyama explained in a 2014 Q&A that Cold and Freeza were unique mutations, different from the rest of their race, and so their “clan” really just consists of the two of them, leaving open the possibility that there was never a Queen Cold.…

(This also would seem to indicate that Cooler remains thoroughly non-canon, at least until the Dragon Room explains to Toriyama how popular he is)

Tomorrow: Rise of the Saibaimen!

Clips are once again courtesy of @Terez27, who I’ll probably have cut up the entire flashback portion of DBS: Broly into two minute bits before this is over

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