Vlad Profile picture
I like building stuff. Cyber security for AI - VP of Engineering @FR0NTIER_X. Used to program self-driving cars at BMW.

Apr 22, 2021, 9 tweets

What is a self-driving car engineer? 🧑‍💻 🧠 🚙

It's not a single job description - there are many roles in a self-driving project!

🧠 Machine Learning
👀 Computer Vision
💽 Big Data
🕹️ Simulation
✅ Test and Validation
🦺 Safety
💻 Software Development

Read more below 👇

🧠 Machine Learning Engineer

👀 Computer Vision Engineer

💽 Big Data Engineer

🕹️ Simulation Engineer

✅ Test and Validation Engineer

💻 Software Engineer

🦺 Safety Engineer

If you want to become a self-driving car engineer try to find a role that best fits your current skill set and you have a good chance! 👍😀

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