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Ending violence against women and girls by tackling its root cause: gender inequality. Donate:

Apr 22, 2021, 21 tweets

Every election presents an opportunity to make Scotland better for women and girls. Over the next couple of weeks, we will be sharing information to help you make informed decisions and #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen #ScottishElection

To #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen watch the Hustings for Women's Equality organised by @EngenderScot in partnership with national women's organisations & hosted by @TasnimNazeer1. The recording is available here: #WomensHustings

To help you decide who you might vote for and #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen, use this BBC policy guide to compare where the parties stand on the key issues

#MakeYourVoteCountForWomen and see if any of your candidates took part in last years annual debate at the @ScotParl on violence against women. Check what they said via @TheyWorkForYou:

Everyone can do something to prevent violence against women. Use Our Watch’s ‘Five essential actions to tackle violence against women and girls’ as a checklist when looking at candidate/party programmes #ScottishElection #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen

Here is an easy read version of our #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen #ScottishElection Twitter thread for you…

@EngenderScot @scotwomensaid @SWRC_ @womenslibrary @Women5050 @GirlguidingScot @closethepaygap @EquateScotland 🗳️The election presents an opportunity for us to make decisions about how Scotland recovers from the pandemic. We must ensure this recovery recognizes the pandemic’s huge gendered impacts. Read more here: #ScottishElection#MakeYourVoteCountForWomen

@EngenderScot @scotwomensaid @SWRC_ @womenslibrary @Women5050 @GirlguidingScot @closethepaygap @EquateScotland 📢 Join a panel discussion on gender and race and the forthcoming Scottish Parliament Elections this coming Monday organised by:
Book your place via Eventbrite here:…

@EngenderScot @scotwomensaid @SWRC_ @womenslibrary @Women5050 @GirlguidingScot @closethepaygap @EquateScotland 🗳️The pandemic has increased gender inequality.The pandemic is disproportionately affecting sectors with more women employment, meaning women are 24% more likely to permanently lose their job than men #ScottishElection #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen

@EngenderScot @scotwomensaid @SWRC_ @womenslibrary @Women5050 @GirlguidingScot @closethepaygap @EquateScotland The world’s economies and maintenance of our daily lives are built on the invisible and unpaid labour of women and girls. Before the crisis started, women did nearly three times as much unpaid care and domestic work as men. #ScottishElection #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen

@EngenderScot @scotwomensaid @SWRC_ @womenslibrary @Women5050 @GirlguidingScot @closethepaygap @EquateScotland Globally, only 41 million (1.5%) men provide unpaid care on a full-time basis, compared to 606 million (21.7%) women. Ask your candidates/party about their family support policies #ScottishElection #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen #SP2021

@EngenderScot @scotwomensaid @SWRC_ @womenslibrary @Women5050 @GirlguidingScot @closethepaygap @EquateScotland Everyone can do something to promote equality and prevent violence against women.A small action can make a big impact.Before the election share this animation with your candidate and ask them about their plans for preventing VAW #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen

@EngenderScot @scotwomensaid @SWRC_ @womenslibrary @Women5050 @GirlguidingScot @closethepaygap @EquateScotland Ask your candidate/party to support our recommendations in “We need this to do things differently” report which provides insight into what is needed to tackle harmful social, cultural and gendered norms that fuel violence against women. More: @NACWGScot

@EngenderScot @scotwomensaid @SWRC_ @womenslibrary @Women5050 @GirlguidingScot @closethepaygap @EquateScotland Now it is even easier to #MakeYourVotecountForWomen. Our colleagues @EngenderScot did all the hard work so you don't have to, and collated party's commitments to women's equality in their Gender Edit of Party Manifestos 2021. Read it here: #SP2021

@EngenderScot @scotwomensaid @SWRC_ @womenslibrary @Women5050 @GirlguidingScot @closethepaygap @EquateScotland We must be ready to respond to violence against women and girls with fully funded services. But our priority should always be preventing violence from happening in the first place. #ScottishElection #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen

@EngenderScot @scotwomensaid @SWRC_ @womenslibrary @Women5050 @GirlguidingScot @closethepaygap @EquateScotland Well-resourced and effective systems and services for responding to and intervening in our current level of violence are crucial. They protect women and their children from further violence, and hold perpetrators accountable. #ScottishElection #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen

@EngenderScot @scotwomensaid @SWRC_ @womenslibrary @Women5050 @GirlguidingScot @closethepaygap @EquateScotland Gender inequality is a necessary condition for violence against women, but it is not the only or the most prominent factor in every context. Violence is often experienced in combination with other forms of structural inequality and discrimination. #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen

Disabled women are twice as likely to experience men’s violence as non-disabled women. 83% of trans women have experienced hate crime at some point in their lives. Ethnic minority and migrant women face disproportionate levels of domestic homicide and abuse-driven suicide.

Violence against women with disabilities, women who sell sex, lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) women, and ethnic minority women is informed and exacerbated by other forms of oppression, leaving these women especially vulnerable to violence #ScottishElections2021

To build a Scotland where violence against women and girls is no longer tolerated, we need new social norms, elimination of all forms of oppression and discrimination, and collective action to tackle women’s inequality #ScottishElection #MakeYourVoteCountForWomen

@EngenderScot @scotwomensaid @SWRC_ @womenslibrary @Women5050 @GirlguidingScot @closethepaygap @EquateScotland Today is the day to VOTE FOR WOMEN. 'There is already enough evidence in the world to show the positive impact of women’s leadership. Women have successfully built and run countries and cities, economies and formidable institutions. -Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka #ScottishElections2021

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