Jennifer Cabrera Profile picture
Editor of The Alachua Chronicle @AlachuaChronic1 * Personal account

Apr 22, 2021, 6 tweets

Florida Deaths - 4/22/21

Florida reported a net of 80 COVID deaths today. Changes were reported on 35 different days, going back to July 1.

Changes by month: July (+2), November (-1), December (-2), January (+2-1), February (-1), March (+7-2), April (+76)



Reported deaths (as best we could find them - read bottom of the chart for more details):

Median age: 72
Minimum age: 27
Maximum age: 97
69% are 65 or older


First-wave peak was 8/4 (240); the 7-day moving average peak was 8/5 (227).

Second-wave peak so far is 1/22 (212); the 7-day average peak is 1/18 (197).

Here is the full chart for context:


Additions and deletions by date:

4/22 - 2
4/21 - 4
4/20 - 5
4/19 - 2
4/18 - 1
4/17 - 3
4/16 - 4
4/15 - 3
4/14 - 5
4/12 - 4
4/11 - 2
4/10 - 6
4/9 - 6
4/8 - 6
4/7 - 4
4/6 - 2
4/5 - 5
4/4 - 2
4/3 - 4
4/2 - 2
4/1 - 4
3/30 - 3
3/29 - 1
3/26 - 2
3/23 - 1


3/20 - removed 2
2/8 - removed 1
1/31 - removed 1
1/26 - 1
1/4 - 1
12/22 - removed 1
12/2 - removed 1
11/30 - removed 1
7/19 - 1
7/1 - 1

The numbers above are not totals by day; they're increments added today. See the chart in the first tweet for totals.

Deaths by week:


Sources: Florida deaths by day:…

My spreadsheet to track changes:…

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