Andrew Kimmel Profile picture
Supervising Producer of @ABCSharkTank Former Head of Live Video @BuzzfeedNews Independent News Producer

Apr 23, 2021, 10 tweets

Not sure who this Charlie Kirk wannabe is, but with 220K followers on IG, he posted this today, two days after I had already deleted/corrected this tweet. Would love to know who he is so I can have a word. Been receiving death threats and told to kill myself.

Tried messaging him on IG but didn’t accept my request... coward.

The dude has some rabid followers who all seem to have one thing in common... followers of TPUSA 🤣

And he clearly doesn’t know how IG works either. Not only did he not accept my DM, he also has comments on his post limited so I couldn’t post any response. Love how he’s lying to try and pin this on me 🤣 What an idiot. Will wait for your retraction Johnny B...

Let me post this again and zoom in a bit/highlight the things John lied about and said I didn’t do. Will wait for a retraction...

Let’s see if John’s followers stick to their word!

Somebody’s angrryyyy. Lot to unpack in this unhinged rant. Accept my message you coward! Stop lying to your followers! 🤡

People are now messaging someone I worked with TWO YEARS AGO. Lol these people are insane

Still waiting...

Dude can’t even post his own IG story without getting flagged for bullshit 🤣

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