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Apr 23, 2021, 7 tweets

Over one year into the #COVID19 pandemic, about 9⃣0⃣% of countries surveyed still report one or more disruptions to essential health services. Major efforts are required to restore and strengthen services in all countries.


WHO’s “Pulse Survey” reveals that the magnitude & extent of disruptions has generally ↘️:
In the first 3 months of 2021 countries reported progress, with just over 1/3 of essential health services now being disrupted, compared to half in 2020.


Countries mitigated disruptions by:
🔸Increasing public communications
🔸Triaging by most urgent patient needs
🔸Recruiting staff
🔸Alternative care delivery methods
🔸Multi-month prescriptions
🔸Redirecting patients to other care facilities

Countries still have to make important decisions when responding to #COVID19 that may negatively affect access to care for other health issues. Redeployment of healthworkers to provide COVID-19 relief & temporary closures of health facilities & services continue.

Although they may have taken on new staff, 66% of countries continue to report health workforce-related reasons as the most common causes of service disruptions. Due to #COVID19, supply chains are also still disrupted in nearly 1/3 of countries.

Health service disruptions mean millions of people are still missing out on vital health care during #COVID19.
Nearly half of countries report negative impacts on provision of day-to-day primary care to prevent & manage some of the most common health problems.

WHO and its partners have been helping countries to adapt their processes so they can:
✅ better respond to the challenges being placed on their health systems during #COVID19
✅ strengthen primary health care
✅ advance universal health coverage

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