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Number cruncher @SyncracyCapital | Co-Founder @ATXDAO | prev. @MessariCrypto @BlackRock | Catch me down a rabbit hole

Apr 23, 2021, 7 tweets

Q1 2021 marked the beginning of the long-awaited ecosystem wars.

In this week's recap, we dive into the weekly performance of the most popular protocols across different Layer-1s.


Assets with longevity on their side showed the highest resilience during the week. As of April 22nd, $MKR and $COMP were the only two assets in the Ethereum ecosystem with positive weekly returns.


All assets in the Cosmos ecosystem suffered last week. $ATOM, the chain's native token, had the worst performance ending the week with a -27% return.


$CAKE was the clear winner in the Binance ecosystem with a weekly return of 17%. $CREAM came in last with a loss of -26%.


Polkadot's assets as a whole were the worst-performing of the week. All of them suffered two-digit declines.


After a bumpy start to the week, $SOL ended the week strong with a weekly return of 29%. $KIN and $AUDIO were the laggards of the group with weekly returns of -26% and -28% respectively.

Weekly Performance Recap as of April 22nd


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